Todays New(d) going 'Postal' or a new service.....

Which is it, the new definition of 'going postal' or a new type of 'special delivery' LOL

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RE: Todays New(d) going 'Postal' or a new service.....

LOL I would say special delivery

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RE: Todays New(d) going 'Postal' or a new service.....

May not have been the brightest idea the fellow had.

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RE: Todays New(d) going 'Postal' or a new service.....

Service with just a Smile...

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RE: Todays New(d) going 'Postal' or a new service.....

I agree he probably will lose his job, but she did dare him!!
Not sure how somebody can be offended when she laughed about him doing it and dared him as well. I say good on him for calling her bluff.

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RE: Todays New(d) going 'Postal' or a new service.....

She dared him to do it, so she is partially guilty.
He will likely lose his job. The Postal Service is only partially a Government agency; therefore they operate on a different set of rules than the Government (where it is difficult to fire anybody). BTW, I am a retired Government employee.
In my agency, some man stripped naked in the office to prove that he could justify retirement for psychiatric reasons. He had applied for disability retirement for psychiatric reasons, but the request was rejected. So he decided to strip nude to prove that he is crazy. He was granted disability retirement.

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