RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

Looking for guys to hike to fall hole together.

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

Have you been there? Id like to go

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I was there today, I found the trail that led to the river. The river was high because of the rain, but I had the whole place to myself.

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I'd be game for that. Just need to know when so I can plan.

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I had heard that pho Fall Hole had closed Has anybody been there recently? Is it still OK for nudism?

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I had heard that. So you can still access the swimming hole via barely marked pathways? That is good news. It is a nice place to swim. How crowded is it at the swimming hole?

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I would like to go

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

How long ago was that when you went last?

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

Years. At least 5. I liked it when I was closer, but when the access was closed I never explored other routes

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I was there last weekend Friday and Saturday. It rained on Friday and no one was around, I hiked down to the river naked most of the way. When I got down to the river I saw a rope swing on the other side. I am sure if the day is really nice you may have kids on the other side. But you can hike along the river and find a secluded spot. I plan on going back in July.

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RE:Nude hiking buddies 2019 Richmond,Va area

I am game have been there looking before cant find the spot. Definitely looking for friends to hike nude with live 20 minutes from here.

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