
Some people say you are not nude unless you are barefoot.
What about you guys? Are you usually "fully nude" or do you wear shoes?

When I am at home I usually keep my socks on since I get cold feet easily.
I think sandals are a nice option since you are basically barefoot without the risk of stepping in something.

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Barefoot 90 percent of the time. Even in winter. Wear sandals if I have to walk on the sharp gravel in the walking on broken glass...yikes!!:(

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Barefoot in the house and yard most of the time, at the beach and anywhere the ground is soft and inviting. Most hiking, hot sidewalks, etc is in sandals or shoes. I value the safety of my feet. Somehow I still feel like a nudist when I need footwear.

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IPeople who practice nudism while wearing big, clunky Danner hiking boots arent really nude, and look utterly ridiculous!

So you say. But nude hiking in the Grand Canyon, on Mauna Kea the Sierra D'Irta or Denali requires some extra ankle support, good footholds on steep trails. Too bad it looks ridiculous to some nudists, too bad having our butts exposed looks ridiculous to the clothing compulsive. It seems we all have different perspectives on such things. For me, I love the experience of all that adventure--exposed skin and safe progress on the trail. And with a backpack, OMG, some might say we may as well be wrapped in a shroud.

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Utterly ridiculous to some.
Utterly necessary to others.

Someone commented on one of my pics recently that they wished I was not wearing boots when washing my vehicle in the driveway.
Having seen the black bears that live in the woods adjacent to my home, there's no way I'm going to be out there without something on my feet to aid my getting back into the house should the local bears decide to pay a day light visit.

These strong opinions and mandates seem contrary to the whole "nudist acceptance" undertone that I've come to appreciate about nudist in general.

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I have hardwood floors so I wear socks or slippers at home. I do like walking barefoot on beach or grass, but I don't see it as a requirement or not requirement. I feel like the point of being nude and nude accepting is not to impose standards on people. So its weird when people gatekeep about something like shoes.

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Living in the PNW (where the recent daily temp. highs have been in the 50's, while the rest of the lower 48 is entering summer), you can imagine that the weather is not necessarily conducive to being comfortably nude indoors - unless one wants to rack up an outrageously high energy bill. About the only time that I can be comfortably nude indoors when the temperatures are in their current state is during mornings after my daily shower. At other times, it is just too chilly and I have to don a bathrobe. By this point in the year, I can typically tolerate wearing the bathrobe and no footwear - not even socks. If it's cold enough outdoors where I feel the need to wear socks to keep my feet warm, then that means that my body will be even colder. That means that I will take off the bathrobe and wear clothes. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I have to cover my feet, then the rest of my body will also be covered. So I guess I am one of those folks who only believes that true nudity extends to the feet. As a once avid hiker, I fully acknowledge there is no way that one could safely hike barefoot. So I get that a nude hiker should wear good footwear.

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