RE: the size matter?

I think this question should be added to the top 100 questions no man should ever have to ask.
But if you dO have to ask...

Nuff said!

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RE: the size matter?

The USA is larger than your country

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RE: the size matter?

Oh the commodity of it all. LMAO

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RE: the size matter?

OK, just a few random comments.
1. The G-spot is located approximately two knuckles from the.........entrance.
2. Keith Richards, in his new book on his life, talks about Mick Jagger's "small size". Anyone care to speculate how this affected him?
3. Petyro, I noticed that you posted three identical photos on your profile. Now I'm thinking that it's "Quantity" that matters!!
4. After the first response from OregonGirl, the remaining comments are from men, I believe. So go figure.
Just who is it that cares?

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RE: the size matter?

the size of the brain that asksmust b small

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If you place an educated, wealthy and intelligent guy whom has a small one in the room with a not so educated nor wealthy guy who has a huge one, who drives away in the Porsche with the girls?

Silly place to seek a cheap thrill.Size matter in every regard starting with mental intellect and you ability to sustain a valid conversation.
Insecurities related to your size should be focused in either you bedroom or on an adult porn site. Seek to sustain and expand on our freedom, not have it limited or taken away.

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Yeah, I think you need to get over the size thing!!!

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RE: Size

If you place an educated, wealthy and intelligent guy whom has a small one in the room with a not so educated nor wealthy guy who has a huge one, who drives away in the Porsche with the girls?
The wealthy guy will end up with the hooker.

A Charlie Sheen joke?

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RE: Size

Size at a nudist resort or beach is an ego thing with you. Size is so very irrelevant to a nudist. Get that size out of your head.

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RE: why wemen look at the size?

As usual I am totally with you R. Due to best friends I have had over many years who have poor body image, is one of the main reasons I have stayed being a nudist since I was 15. Who give a flying F!! how big your stomach is, what colour head/body hair is. How large one's labia or Penis is?? How shallow is humanity in 2011??? Can some of us, not try to re-dress the balance, even in small ways.
IF you use these "conditions" as to the kind of people you wish to associate with, then I will not be standing next to you in the same county in a lightening storm.

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