Thanks for starting this group

I am a life long barefoot fanatic, so happy to see this group! I love the feel of nature all around me, there are so many things to feel. Our feet have so many nerves to let us feel and connect to our environment it is a type of sensory deprivation to keep my feet in shoes. I can stand the robe in winter for warmth but when it is cold enough to force me into shoes, and god forbid, socks I am miserable. There are some good dole protestors out there for thorns and such that still let you feel the terrain if not the texture. Like a good oven mit when getting the roast out of the oven, take them off when not needed. Nothing like warm mud, fall leaves, even creek gravel and tilled ground. I am so excited, sorry for raving!
Also ,I am curious. When I notice another barefooted in my travels, I often wonder if they are also nudist?? A similar desire for connecting to nature, and a disregard for arbitrary social constraints. I like to think so, More barefoot nudist brothers at heart.

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RE:Thanks for starting this group

To my mind barefooting is the natural way to be even if nude is not an option.

I realise that to some extent the jury is still out on the necessity for all of us to be in touch with the earth but I do not feel we can dismiss the health changes in the past century At the same time as there had been a great disconnect with synthetic soled footwear and barriers cornering thd earth

Are the increase in cancers and alchiemers issues simply a coincidence. Personally I do not believe that to be coincidental

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RE:Thanks for starting this group

The jury may still be out re the benefits of earthing but I do like to spend at least 5 - 10 minutes each day with my feet in direct contact with the ground - seems to centre me

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