RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

"CLOTHES therefore, must be truly a badge of greatness; the insignia of the superiority of MAN over all other animals, for surely there could be no other reason for wearing the hideous things.
-- "Tarzan of the Apes", Edgar Rice Burroughs"
It just goes to show, you never know where you are going to find that priceless quote!!!
Excellent information NudeInMA

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair


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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

For me it's just about appearance. I'm naturally very hairy, and I think that my body looks much better devoid of allthe hair; it also feels nicer to the touch.

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

smooth every time

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

With a nod to Oregongirl, nobody likes hair in their mouth! Shaving hair has gone in and out of style for centuries! Look at much Renaissance art? Almost all women are smoothly shaven. It's a fashion thing, in a decade we might all be hairy again!

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

ok you disagree wth me
Yep. It happens a lot on Web forums.
Whats your motivation for your naked lifestyle if its not the nature onr
It's not to live like a troglodyte or a Neanderthal. The joy of nudism is in shedding the textiles' obsession with encasing the human body in layers of oppressive cloth because of an illusion of modesty or decency. Along with that obsession goes the symbology of clothing that defines who and what we are in the social realms.
The nude (not naked) lifestyle brings people to a truly level playing field where all we have to "show" others is our personality. Devoid of expensive wardrobes and accessories, one is left with only a smile, eye contact, a pleasant word and a friendly demeanor. They go a lot further to establish a community than a designer dress or a Brooks Brothers suit.
As for enjoying a rapport with nature by being nude, it comes from divesting ourselves of one of the primary differences between ourselves and the rest of creation: no other species on Earth encases itself in artificial skin to conceal its natural beauty.
At the bottom of his little English heart beat the great desire to cover his nakedness with CLOTHES for he had learned from his picture books that all MEN were so covered, while MONKEYS and APES and every other living thing went naked.
CLOTHES therefore, must be truly a badge of greatness; the insignia of the superiority of MAN over all other animals, for surely there could be no other reason for wearing the hideous things.

-- "Tarzan of the Apes", Edgar Rice Burroughs
By divesting myself of the textile shell, I join the rest of creation in celebrating my natural being unencumbered by the lies and myths of clothism. Whether or not I choose to dispense with that ugly patch of unkempt, sweaty, smelly hair in no way alters the oneness with creation that nudism provides.
As has been said in every one of the several threads on this topic, shaving or going "natural" is a matter of choice that in no way reflects on the purity of one's naturist way of life.
what cannot be doubted is that hairs are connected with nervous terminations so they are a vehicle for sensations rangingfrom the pleasure of wind to the one of caressing.Again my opinion smooth people lose lot of sensations just to follow what beaty industries say to be in.
That presumes to know the reason why people prefer smoothness over hairiness. There may indeed be many whose choice is driven by the dictates of fashion and beauty. Such shallowness is common in the textile realms, as seen by the obsession with the latest clothing, hair styles, cosmetics, etc. That does not translate to a universal fixation with those petty matters.
When I wrote earlier that IMO the smooth look is "in", it acknowledged that it is appearing more and more often in nudist venues. It in no way defined WHY that is so.

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

The fresh clean feeling every time I shave myself. Besdes for me it just looks neater.

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

I'm with you Phil, I also like to shave and get a hair cut. I'm not the Wild Man from Borneo!!!

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RE: if your a naturist why do you shave or cut hair

Whatever floats your boat
ANd smooth floats mine!

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First, I shave/trim because my wife likes it and so do I. However, if you want to be a purist then you can't cut your hair or shave/trim your beard. It's the same difference. And finally, who cares? LOL!

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