
Are other ring enthusiasts here, like me, equally committed smoothies? My cock is always nicely shaved, the better to display my rings when in nudist settings and ease the task of putting them on: no pubic tangles! . Are most of those who wear cock rings also shaved?
Shaved frequently in the shower. As you mentioned, it is additive to the cockring, shaftring or glans ring vibe.

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The problem with the tangles is real, but I am not shaved, just thinned out to match the surrounding areas. That's enough too ensure the rings cannot be missed if I'm wearing them.

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Yes, love being shaved however wife HATES it. She doesnt like me shaven. It is soooo much more attractive and clean. It is also easier to wear cockrings, ball rings and glans/penis rings

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Smooth and wearing one is great

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Shaved indeed!! My problem though is I have thick hair down there, so I can only shave once a week. I have tried shaving more often, like every other day or every third day, but it causes stubble, which looks horrible and is not smooth at all. I have considered waxing or sugaring, but tbh I'm a wimp when it comes to pulling hair like that "down under". If I could be assured of a way, I would love to find a way because my wife loves me shaved and I love me shaved, so for now once a week is ok

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Try plucking by wearing a rubber glove and just working from the edge inwards. I find that the skin yields the hair with less pain as I go. I leave the shortest finest ones to blend with the surrounding areas and the result ends up being subtle but without stubble. If I leave it go for weeks, the growth appears very gradual and it does not take too long to do.

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I'm a dedicated smoothie and ring wearer. They go together perfectly and look so good, your presented so nicely!

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I'm shaved from the neck down, I like how it looks.

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I'm shaved from the neck down, To me a shaved body looks better.

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I agree, a good look on a male nudist

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