RE:Locker room urinal nude

Totally agree. A locker room is a place to relax, to cool your body down after physical activities, so that you don't sweat after getting dressed. Nothing more stupid than trying to hide your penis behind a towel while dressing an underwear. It looks like to me that it is either arrogant, a sign of sexually insecure people or shame about his own body.

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

Thank you and thanks to others in this thread for sharing. Unattached and no children myself, but now that Im in 40s looking back, I totally agree with doing all we can to be comfortable with selves nude and especially teaching youth the same as well considering they need this healthy guidance too.

I grew up in a rural/ prudish/ uptight, etc. environment so our high school PE teachers said showers were optional for us who took general PE and weightlifting (mid to late 1990s at the time). And of course no one in my classes did but just the bare minimum changing of clothes in locker room. So I was introduced and handled the locker room nudity well as I used college fitness center and the city owned FC at my last city/ employment years ago. No one said or did anything to make others uncomfortable although there were some shy guys with towels. Which is why I agree we need less of the shame and shy attitude to have great mindset and attitudes toward male nudity especially at the coming of age years. Appreciate the words again!

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

When I go to the gym, I strip and put everything into the locker, and then walk nude to the urinal and have my piss.

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

Awesome to hear about your openness with your sons, dadman3.

Growing up in the Boy Scouts we would often just whip our penis's out and take a leak anywhere while camping.. some times we would look at each others cocks, cross streams (LOL), and it was never an issue.

As an adult I would frequently disrobe after my workouts, walk to the showers naked, no towel wrapped around me, and hit the urinal beforehand if needed. All good.

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

Not everyone has the body or intact penis they were born with. It's 2022. Men tattoo their bodies, pierce multiple body parts, trim or shave their body hair, stretch their balls and do various modifications to their penis. The locker room is not reserved for males who have the untouched body they were born with. It's for any male to change, shower and piss before and after they work out. I have a smooth body from the waist down, genital piercings and tattoos on my ass, penis and pubic area. I have no problem with any male, regardless of age, seeing me naked. Personally, if I was a dad with a young son and he saw me, I would be happy to explain to him that some people like to decorate their bodies and, while it may not be for everyone, it's perfectly normal. Same with penis size and erections. We're not all hung like a horse but we do all get erections.

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

That sounds awesome. I think all boys should be raised that way. I remember my dad always took me into the men's locker room at the YMCA when I was a kid, and this was when all the men were naked. I thought it was a great bonding experience and a good way to see men's bodies without embarrassment. Well done, you sound like a great granddad!

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

aw yeah - freedom

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

i grew up in a prude household, no nudity at all, so a lockerroom seemed so healthy perfect and ideal to me, i would arrive early, take long showers, just carry a towel, not wrap with one

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

thats awesome man some saunas require shorts to be worne i dislike that a bunch i love pure nudity

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RE:Locker room urinal nude

thats hottttttt

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