RE:Tips and/or Tricks?

There is ample research demonstrating that exercise alone is important for fitness and maintaining weight loss but rarely will produce much weight loss by itself.
The recipe for weight loss may be simple - eat less calories and burn off more - but the reality is more complex.
In our Western societies, we have a complicated and emotional-laden relationship with food. This has to change for a more health-affirming lifestyle which may (or may not) include less excess body weight.
Embrace diets which help you become more aware of your emtional food triggers, but its about awarness more than counting calories. Be grateful for your fat, an amazing evolutionary means to sustain you through famine and hardship. Be grateful to our modern society for making famine irrelevant and for affording you opportunities to eat wonderful fresh foods from outside both your growing season and local ecosystem. Gratitude is satiating. The relationship alone between exercise and diet is also satiating. Exercise makes you crave better nutrients to support it, and cleaner food gives you more energy to exercise. Know that its all a process and it is good.

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RE:Tips and/or Tricks?

I did the same and I have everything I need to workout at home without need to drive or put on clothing
Just ordered a basic home workout system so I can permanently skip the gym and the clothes when I exercise!

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