Hello Artists, Photographers, Nude Models, and nude modeling fans

I just found and joined this for "male nude models". I have been doing nude and erotic art and photo and video modeling for many years now. I started modeling nude for a JC Art class my then girlfriend was attending, I was just out of high school then, so that was circa 1976+-. I have continued nude molding as often as opportunities arise: for artists, art classes and internet groups, professional photo shoots, and on occasion, ladies entertainment events. I do modeling with female partners, including erotic and heterosexual including live video action. I have also done modeling by snail mail of photos and by email, Also, I do Outdoors and Athletic and Fitness photo modeling.
I just posted a batch of example shots, hope that you all enjoy them, please comment on each or any of them, if you want to.

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RE:Hello Artists, Photographers, Nude Models, and nude modeling fans

Those were great phots, before they were edited!

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RE:Hello Artists, Photographers, Nude Models, and nude modeling fans

I could post the originals, but I posted a bunch in one batch, those digital effects and enhancements were done for the purpose, at the time. Should I post more shots now or wait a while?

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RE:Hello Artists, Photographers, Nude Models, and nude modeling fans

Also, I do Outdoors and Athletic and Fitness photo modeling.

I will admit: despite the nudist ethos of accepting all bodies for what they are, I still would prefer if more of us fit into this category.

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