RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

I was going to say yesterday 3/27 at Blind creek beach but when I got home I had a few things that I had to do. The gas in the car was showing 12 miles to empty, so time for a fill up. My cash envelope in the house was down to $20 so time for an ATM visit. Thursday is trash day so the bin had to be taken out to the street. And the car was filthy so it needed to be at least rinsed off. I figured that IF I woke up stupid early as I do often and IF it was over 70 degrees out I would do some of those chores nude. Well, I woke up just before 3am and it was 74 degrees out. So I grabbed my wallet and keys (nothing else) went outside nude and took the trash bin to the street. Then I got in the car and drove to the local gas station where the store closes at 2am (i think) and the pumps are on 24/7. There was someone there filling up a tractor trailer on the other end of the lot and I figured it would not hurt if he saw me. I got out and started fueling the car. when he left, I thought he would take a sharp left and drive right by me. Instead he drove around the back of the building and when he came back around I was in plain sight of him. I assume he saw me but did not seem to care. I left there and drove to the ATM. The one I use is a drive up one at the far end of a parking lot. It is very well lit. Even though it is a drive up one, I park about 20 ft away and walk up to it. The ATM was doing some sort of an update and said please wait. I waited there for about 5 minutes before it reset and I was able to make my withdrawal. I walked back to my car and just as I was leaving another car pulled into the ATM. If it would have been 2 minutes earlier I would have been caught nude at the ATM, 20 feet away from my car and in the middle of a transaction so I could not leave the machine. I am really not sure if I was relieved or disappointed that I did not get caught. After that I decided to go to the coin op car wash and rinse off the car. There is one a few doors down from the highway on a side street. in an industrial / warehouse area.The bays are not visible from the highway so it as about as good as it gets for nude car wash. I just did a quick high pressure soap then rinse mainly just to get the worst of the grime off. I can see doing a more involved wash there in the future.I drove home, getting there at 4am and went back to bed. I slept until 7am.All in all, it was a productive and fun morning . I took the trash out to the street, filled the gas tank, got cash from the ATM, and rinsed off the car all while wearing nothing but flip flops on my feet. Before the National Enquirer hits me with bunch of questions, No, I did not have any clothes of any kind with me or anything to cover up with except maybe a napkin in the glove box which I wouldn't use.Hopefully, the nights will start getting warmer so I can take the trash out, fill the tank, go to the ATM and wash the car nude until next winter.Quite an impressive morning.Was this your first time taking the trash bin to the curb while you were naked this year?Have you done a nude clothing donation bin dropoff yet?

One thing I forgot to mention. In NJ it is not legal to walk up to a drive in window or drive up ATM clothed. I don't know about Florida. I have used a drive up ATM there a few times, but don't remember seeing a sigm similar to the one in NJ.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

A few minutes ago. Was watching the eclipse. It got cloudy and cool so I came inside.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Right now. Will be putting shorts on soon to take a bike ride.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Yesterday, I free hiked out to my special spot and sunbathed for an hour or so. I laid there in the sun watching the planes flying overhead, think how luck I am to be laying in the sun with a breeze. I sure am glad that I not longer have to get in one of those stinky things and fly off to some faraway place.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Right now. Its a great day to sit out naked in the sun. It feels so good!

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Right now for me too. Three days in a row.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Four days in a row hiking naked in Death Valley. I spent this morning hiking in some sand dunes naked. I was actual able undress and redress at the truck. There was no one else at the trailhead.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Four days in a row hiking naked in Death Valley. I spent this morning hiking in some sand dunes naked. I was actual able undress and redress at the truck. There was no one else at the trailhead.

Did you bring any clothing with you ?

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Did you bring any clothing with you ?

Absolutely. There are too many families around in a National Park to risk creating any issues. I keep a pair of light running shorts handy.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Right now.

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