
Fact: Nude is Natural, Natural is Normal: this includes nude in all natural "states", passive and active.
My #1 motto is: "The Fit, Fully Nude, Fully Exposed, Human Form is the True Art Form". For me this includes static poses, dynamic posing, in both sexual and non sexual activities. As a nude and erotic model, I expose my form, as art, to all, females and males, who care to view my form as art, and / or form a sexual, non-predatory, perspective. I work hard to make and maintain my form truly fit to be considered Art; Displaying my art to any and all is great reward for my efforts. As a model I have posed live and on net, for art classes and groups, have been filmed, and live-action in front of groups. I thoroughly enjoy openly, publicly, displaying my form, fitness, functions, and being viewed by as many as possible, especially live-action with live audience.
So, with this perspective and beliefs, it is only natural that I not only accept, but to appreciate and enjoy viewing other humans, both male and female, full nude and exposed in all states and activities. This is especially true in reference to Fit Healthy Human Forms.

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great post thank you - I'm only new to all of this but taking a slightly different perspective, just slightly.... I would drop the 'fit' part as this is simply a societal ideal we have adopted without a lot of thought. For many the impressive level of fitness some achieve is not attainable for health or economic or social or political or a million other reasons, despite the lack of 'fitness' (in terms of tone, shape etc.) I believe all bodies are works of art, the universe playing and experimenting with what it means to show up in human form. If someone doesn't like my art, ok, no problem go look at something else, but for me, this is the only spacesuit I have been and will be issued and I'm going to enjoy it and share it in whatever way suits me and the people I'm sharing it with. If you choose to spend your time in the gym lifting weights, great, love it, you look amazing, if you are a computer geek or gamer who spends a lot of time sitting in front of a monitor but comfortable in your soft, round body, great I love it!n Come one, come all - this is a judgment free zone.

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Yet, even if it's not for all, it can be a challenge or an inspiration for some. I'm feeling challenged right now to do more for my fitness, both for health and aesthetic reasons. While I cannot do much about my folically-challenged dome (lavish treatment regimes notwithstanding), there's plenty of room for my personal improvement in terms of weight, strength and endurance. If a few of us can be motivated to improve by the examples of others, that's not necessarily a bad thing!

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Not that I'm expecting to reach the pinnacle that is bodyworks2010, mind. :-)

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And, in not that I'm judging anyone else that is not at bodyworks2010's level, either!

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I think that's the key isn't it? My mum used to say 'to each their own', I believe non-judgment is an essential practice in nudism.

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Fitness is simply a way to express Healthiness, denigrated commercially as *sexy/ness*, but instinctively it is how ALL MAMMALS use their visual aural/auditory olfactory physical senses to find suitable mates with whom to PERPETUATE THEIR SPECIES. Sick Folks, frankly, those with obesity diabetic cardiovascular heart disease ... all of these related ... aside from other preventable diseases ... do not make the best MATES for ProCreation or for that matter Fun Active Friendships. Most diseases, 90% are PREVENTABLE through Proper Fitness; one need not be on a triathlete or runway model regimen, but Commercial CONSUMERISM Industry Interests ( aside from the astronomically priced Medical Industry interests BANKING on TreatMENts ... ) have been Normalized to the point that DESTRUCTIVE UNHEALTHY BEHAVIORS & HABITS & their RESULTS have been commercially popularized to ***SEEM NORMAL.*** That is how People, Societies, Civilizations DIE & GO EXTINCT.

This is not an insult to those struggling with unhealthy habits & their results, We All Have these Struggles, but their is no reason not to Celebrate & Promote, in defiance of Commercial Interests, Fitness Habits & Their Results to Inspire EveryBody to take responsibility, at far less cost ( PENNIES when not FREE! ) than Doctors or Medical Interventions or Snake Oils, to Enjoy & Appreciate the benes of SelfCare through Fitness which include LONGEVITY ( ie: not passing away PREMATURELY in Ones 20s 30s 40s ... or even 70s. Healthy Fit Humans can Live Actively & Happily into their 90s & early 100s IF they really want to ... & avoid accidents. ). #HealthIsWealth; We Should ALL Enjoy Physical Wealth.

And there is no better way to Demonstrate Such Physical ( & mental emotional psychological ) Health than doing it NUDE NAKED EXHIBITIONISTICALLY. Bravo to BodyWork2010 & BarefootTrainer & Others on this platform for being good shephards of Health & Happiness & Happiness & Fitness. It takes an ounce of discipline but it is also FUN & REWARDING ... especially when done NUDE. We should all want to Live Long & Prosper.

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