Recently moved to new home

I'm on 1 acre but my house is only about 20 feet from the lot line next to neighbors. Fortunately I have open space behind me but on the other side there is a road several hundred feet away. My back yard fence is only 4 feet high and chain link. I planted some giant reeds along the fence but it might take years for them to thicken enough for privacy. I am wondering how to to put up some other visual barriers that will be attractive and not cost a fortune. There are some low trees that are more like bushes that help. I will be planting more bushes and trees, and vines on the fences, but it's a challenge. I have g-strings but don't really want to resort to those. Neighbors are friendly and have treated me very kindly so I don't want to disturb them. I feel awkward bringing up the subject to see if they are OK with seeing me nude.

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RE:Recently moved to new home

There are plants that'll grow tall enough to possibly help you in a bigger hurry than a couple or a few years, maybe something like sunflowers or a few rows of corn (to harvest properly-formed ears of corn you need at least four rows for pollination), but these are both annuals so it would entail replanting and patience every year. Maybe you could begin with one of those and plant something else perennial that would come up behind it and do the hiding of your nakedness in a longer time. I say do the plant dance! There are surely other plants that could do it for you so do some research and dig accordingly. It also depends on your soil and light levels ~ I don't know what you know of gardening but maybe this avenue will help you get the privacy you're craving in a bigger hurry. It would be so much easier if you could find a way to approach the subject with your new neighbors instead of essentially trying to hide your habits. I say a couple of bottles of wine might loosen all of you up and you can see more of them, hee!

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RE:Recently moved to new home

I have read that bamboo grows quickly and makes a great privacy screen.

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RE:Recently moved to new home

I have read that bamboo grows quickly and makes a great privacy screen.

I suggest being more than careful with bamboo because it has been known to take over surrounding space with amazing speed and sends out shoots underground that come up like little knives - definitely not for nude feet that! If you go the bamboo way, I heavily suggest using a big BIG pot. Once it's out there in the dirt it will invade and destroy. It's like mint on steroids and very tough to get rid of.

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RE:Recently moved to new home

If you're getting along well with your neighbours, then being direct may be worthwhile, if you can work up the courage to ask. Perhaps occasionally allow them to see you in just shorts (or even your strings) and gauge their reaction. If they turn their noses, the battle may be uphill, but if they smile and comment or just carry on as if nothing's unusual, then there's your opening!

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