Male Friend Requests

I thnk a lot of people have brought up legitimate concerns. The most important in my opinion is sending a friend request to someone you have had no other communication with. I have four friend requests sitting there from guys that I have had no other communication with. And some of them have almost nothing in their profile or I see nothing that I have in common with them. So they will just sit there. I am rather new on here and the first couple of friend requests I automatically accepted - then have not heard from these people again. Maybe I am just anti-social!

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RE: I know the feeling

i of course totally agree with fish, but i would like to add sth a bit different now, a theory of conspiracy.. ;)
What makes you think that all these female or couple profiles are.. real and not just males who found the way to have access to girls? ;) Or even girls who have nothing to do with naturism but are just webcal girls, came in here for making money?

I think solution could be only one: certification for all members from now on! like this i'm sure profiles will be really less, but we will all know who is really who.. And i think that among real persons, there is still some good manners... :)

Of course, keep in mind that many girls or women react like this, because they feel like.. queens, with all males running after them... ;) Just ignore them: once upon a time, i've had more than 200 friends... Then i begun a "filtering", writing to them if they really will to contact with me: no answer, no more friend.. now i'm at 105 and i go to reduce them even more... Excuse me, but rudeness or lack of interest from others at least to communicate and be polite was never my attraction... So, i prefer having a few friends instead, making many more in naturist beaches of my country, out there :) piece of advice for you to do the same.. :)

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