RE:Told to sleep nude

How old were you?
Did your dad sleep nude when your mom was there or only after she left?
What did you wear to bed before you started sleeping nude?

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RE:Told to sleep nude

I started sleeping nude on my own around the age of 11. Parents never said anything about it.

I don't remember the exact age, but I remember making the decision. I was in bed wearing just underpants. The question came to mind, why am I wearing any clothing under the covers in bed in my room with the bedroom door closed? What's the point? I slipped them off under the covers and pushed them to the side where they'd fall to the floor next to my bed. I have only on rare occasion worn clothing to bed after that. Now, I don't even own underwear.

When I had wet dreams, it left wet spots in the bed that were always dry by the next night -- but I'm sure if you looked you'd see them. But that gave me the idea that it was safe to jerk off in bed -- mom wouldn't know the difference. But when I did it on purpose, I always came way off to one side so I could sleep on the other. Mom never said anything about it. I continued doing that as long as I lived with my parents.

The bathroom was directly across the hall. Never got dressed to step across the hall in the middle of the night. No one ever saw me. Never thought anything about it.

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RE:Told to sleep nude

I grew up sleeping naked too I didnt know anything different until before sleepovers was told others didnt do it the same

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RE:Told to sleep nude

I grew up sleeping naked too I didnt know anything different until before sleepovers was told others didnt do it the same

Then both of your parents and any siblings slept nude also?

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RE:Told to sleep nude

He wore pjs mostly or a top and underwear until then. I usually wore pjs too but that changed once she left

Were either or both of you casually nude around the house or only in your bedrooms?

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RE:Told to sleep nude

He wore pjs mostly or a top and underwear until then. I usually wore pjs too but that changed once she left

Still curious about how old you were.

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RE:Told to sleep nude

I dont think my parents did no, and my sisters didnt

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RE:Told to sleep nude

I dont think my parents did no, and my sisters didnt

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RE:Told to sleep nude

I was never told to sleep nude but did tell my mother I wanted to sleep nude when I was five. My parents were old school hippies and let me.

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RE:Told to sleep nude

When I was in college my mother asked me one year what I wanted for Christmas. I told her I needed new pajamas and she said that was fine but told me that she and my dad slept in the nude and that I should try it. I did that night and never wore pjs again!

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