RE:Straight or Curved

Soft straight down, half hard slight left curve, rock hard curved up.

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RE:Straight or Curved

Mines straight out and a kink to the left when hard

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RE:Straight or Curved

Standing up, my erection is pretty much horizontal and straight.

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RE:Straight or Curved

Upward curve. I've been told that that curve along with my thickness works out well for a g spot.

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RE:Straight or Curved

Just like some others, when standing I am straight out. When seated I am straight up. A great way to offer a seat.

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RE:Straight or Curved

When hard, it curves upward.

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RE:Straight or Curved

A stiff straight somewhat left curve!!

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RE:Straight or Curved

Probably because a lot of us are right handed and jerk off a lot! Maybe that has cause our leftward curve... I've always wondered that too...

Mine curves to the left, Im surprised to read its a lot more common that I thought.

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RE:Straight or Curved

Mine curves up. It didn't always do that but I have pyronies disease.

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RE:Straight or Curved

Mine is pretty much just straight

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