Large Penis Support Group (

INTRODUCTIONS - please introduce yourself to...

I'm a 45 year old male living in Denmark, about 1.5 hours outside Copenhagen. My own experience of nudism is my many visits to nude beaches around the world. When I first started going, as a young 20 something, I will admit that it was mostly...

Poll: What size are your genitals as a set?

Please share yours or others you know, that may have an oversized Package. Is it just your penis, or testicles as well. Or in between, flip flopped, etc.

Whats it like having a big dick? - AskReddit

A Reddit post thats relevant to this group. If nothing else, the most upvoted responses are an interesting read. There arent any large-scale studies or polls about this sort of thing, so something like this is as close as we can get to a wide study...

Staring in Awe

I look at photos in this group and think, wow that's big. I myself was not blessed with a large penis. I am about 2 inches flaccid and about 5 and a half erect. So does size matter? I believe it does. I believe it matters with self confidence. I...


Hi, Thought it would be interesting to discuss some experiences around large penises in nude scenarios. It could be reactions to your own, or how you felt when meeting someone with a large one. From my own personal experience I have people assuming...


I see a lot of new members. Awesome the group is growing like some other members if you know what I mean. We should all start to state our flaccid and erect size. Flaccid I am 3 inches and erect I am just shy of 7 inches. I am not sure of width...

The perfect underwear

Found this super stretchy underwear. They are the most comfortable underwear I have ever worn. Have tried 'big pouch' underwear before. They are ok but not enough. I found this random underwear brand (shown in pictures). They are not even...

LPSG Skype group

I started a Skype group for the big guys on here a while ago and just started again after a break from this site. Let me know if youre interested in joining!

Apologises to all who are trying to join our...

Due to some technical issue on Truenudists, we have not been able to approve applications to join our group. This has been brought to the attention of the staff of Truenudists but we have yet to hear back about a sollution to the issue. Thank you...

Newbie Here - 10inch BBC

Hello All I am new here. I wanted to join because I am a well endowed guy who sometimes gets a little shy about my size when I wear certain things. I cannot hide my print and definitely cannot hide an erection. Hope to make some new buddies here.