RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

This is on my bucket list. I'm out of state and may do this on my way home. It sounds very thrillingIf you are on your way home you probably will have other clothing in the car.It would be more thrilling and daring to do it with no clothing in your possession on your way home from the bin.

Very belated question, but did you do it?

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

Minimalist, I have just returned home from a trip overseas and have not had a chance to work out the logistics for doing this dare but it is definitely on my list! In addition to checking out the location of the donation bins to determine when the best time to do the is, I also think this particular dare requires a "partner-in-crime" to document the event with the appropriate photos. I have a friend in mind but will have coordinate dates and times with him. Meanwhile, I'll try to determine when the best time to do the dare is. My community is fairly small so discretion is a big factor to be considered. The planning AND the anticipation are part of the FUN!

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

Minimalist, I have just returned home from a trip overseas and have not had a chance to work out the logistics for doing this dare but it is definitely on my list! In addition to checking out the location of the donation bins to determine when the best time to do the is, I also think this particular dare requires a "partner-in-crime" to document the event with the appropriate photos. I have a friend in mind but will have coordinate dates and times with him. Meanwhile, I'll try to determine when the best time to do the dare is. My community is fairly small so discretion is a big factor to be considered. The planning AND the anticipation are part of the FUN!

I was asking someone who posted a long time ago.
I know that you need time to plan.

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

You do need a friend with you - to hold the contents of your pockets. The best plan is to do it just before driving home:- Strip, put all the clothes in the bin and drive home (naked). Or you could do it on the way to a nude beach or venue.

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

Ollygrump, many thanks for checking in on this topic! It's always good to hear from the voice of experience!

One of the things I ALWAYS do when I'm driving, regardless of the destination OR my state of dress or undress, is carry my driver's license. Since I really dislike sitting on my wallet, I put it (and the contents of my pockets) in the center console of my car. I DO agree with you that a partner-in-crime would be handy to have along when doing this dare, but I think using them as a photographer/chronicler would be more useful than using them as coin holders. (LOL) I think using a tripod and a self-timer might be too time consuming for this particular dare. I see that YOU got a couple of very nice shots while doing the dare. Would you care to share with us HOW you did that? In my particular instance, discretion is of the essence, so QUICKLY getting naked, putting my clothes in the donation bin, then getting back in my car naked and driving away in the shortest amount of time possible is a highly desirable outcome. Having a friend take photos would be about the only way I can think of to get that part of the dare done.

Any further thoughts, suggestions, hints and/or tips from YOU would be appreciated and most welcome!

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

Dont forget about trying another town. That way the drive back is longer.

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

Dont forget about trying another town. That way the drive back is longer.

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

... ... ... ... ... but I think using them as a photographer/chronicler would be more useful than using them as coin holders. (LOL) ... ... ...

This video and this one were done when nude driving without a companion and the pictures below are from grabs from them.

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

Jim-Marie-Yardart, doing the dare in another town is DEFINITELY something to consider! There is a town close by that I visit on occasion. The next time I'm out that way I will have to see if I can locate any donation bins in any of the parking lots around town. Thanks for the suggestion.

Johngw, I enjoy driving nude, too, and have done some fairly long drives (3 hours up and down the freeway). Doing selfies while driving just requires the usual care and attention to the road while framing the photo and driving at the same time.

It seems to me that photographing the donation bin dare using a camera mounted on a tripod (and thus eliminating the need for a wingman) would be too time consuming. First one would have to drive to the location, determine the right spot for the camera, set up the tripod and camera, and then walk to the car. Once back at the car, one could begin stripping and discarding clothes, while pausing every once in a while to activate the shutter (via remote control), or at least activate the camera ONCE, if using a phone to create a video of the event. Either way, once the dare is complete, one would have to go and collect the camera and tripod before getting BACK in the car and driving away. I may be wrong, and please feel free to correct me if I am, but that process seems waaaay to long. It would seem easier to simply enlist the help of an accomplice.

It ALSO occurred to me that the NUMBER of items being donated could add to the duration of the dare. Shoes, socks, pants, underwear, shirt, each taking a few seconds to remove and place in the bin? Each placed in the bin INDIVIDUALLY or all tossed in all at once? Would the bare (no pun intended) minimum be an old pair of thongs, some old shorts and an old t-shirt?

I wonder if you can tell that I'm having a blast just working on the planning and the logistics??? LOL.

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RE:Clothing Donation Bin Dare

It ALSO occurred to me that the NUMBER of items being donated could add to the duration of the dare. Shoes, socks, pants, underwear, shirt, each taking a few seconds to remove and place in the bin? Each placed in the bin INDIVIDUALLY or all tossed in all at once? Would the bare (no pun intended) minimum be an old pair of thongs, some old shorts and an old t-shirt?I wonder if you can tell that I'm having a blast just working on the planning and the logistics??? LOL.

A lot of us don't have any underwear to donate.

The daring part really doesn't begin until you are nude!

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