A Peak That's Fine and Dandy

So after a hiatus of nearly four weeks since my last nude bush walk, today I took an opportunity to hit the tracks back around that lake with an English city name. But my walk didn't go to plan.

I was only a short way in and of course was nude and taking in the rays of sunshine between the cloud cover. It felt great to be back in nature and feeling a part of it. The bush is alive with smells of spring and the sounds of bird calls.

My plan today was to push on and walk even further around the lake.

As I passed the first locked gate I noticed that the padlock was unlocked. I thought not too much of it but then started to notice the tyre tracks in the dirt seemed to look 'recent' - but there were two sets of tracks (and with same tyre print) so I convinced myself that the ranger or water authority had been and made their way back out earlier in the day. I got to the second locked gate and what ya know - it too was unlocked. Could it be they are just lazy and don't lock the padlocks behind them? It is QLD after all and as you know from my rambling here I haven't seen a sole out there on my walks.

It paid off though to be vigilant for as I rounded one bend I notice two Ford Ranger utes some distance off. I could see them through the trees and they were at the dam waters edge. So what to do? Continue on and say hello, and risk a fine or worse? No, I decided to start my journey back, back to an offshoot track that I know is not accessible by vehicle, only by hiking or on horse back.

This offshoot track has a steep incline and really got my heart rate up. It is littered with leaf and tree debris, so is also a bit risk for snakes and you must keep a very sharp eye out for them. I took a few pics and they are in the Gallery, and its worth noting there seem to be some 'holes' that may have been from gold mining way back when and there are also signs posted saying the tack is checked by QPS and the water authority - for motorcycle riders...not sure about us nudies though!

But it was worth with the diversion for the peak is a fine and Dandy place. I sat crossed legged for some 15 minutes to calm the heart rate down and prepare for the decent. It was great to sit there in nature fully surrounded by bushland - just me in the minute, naked, free of any encumbering thoughts. I breathed in a few good deep breathes, took it all in and loved it. I shall return here soon!

I was so freed by my experience today that once again I walked nude all the way back to my car where it was parked on a public roadside. I then drove home nude and took in the wonderful sunshine through my sunroof! Pity I have to work for a living!

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RE:A Peak That's Fine and Dandy

Sounds like a great walk. Count me in next time please.

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RE:A Peak That's Fine and Dandy

I still want to go on one the walks our where you go! When's the next one you're planning?

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