Morning paper read

Yes I am old fashioned and still get an actual newspaper. I used to have two streaks a day out to curbside. One when i woke up to get the paper which was often delivered about 5am and then again when the mail came . Now that paper comes in the mail so my mailbox streak is down to one, unless i have outgoing mail .
Today it is heating up so after getting the paper I plopped down on my front porch. The vines covering the stick banister are now leafed out so the few passing cars would only have seen a shirtless guy reading a paper. But still fun knowing i was bare ass

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RE:Morning paper read

It's good that you are so daring.
I have come close to doing that, going out early for the paper. But I wore a speedo. I live in a built up area.

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RE:Morning paper read

It's good that you are so daring.I have come close to doing that, going out early for the paper. But I wore a speedo. I live in a built up area.

I only read the paper nude on the back deck inside the privacy fence.
Don't streak for the mail or newspaper since I live on a busy street across from a high school. Closest I have been is getting the mail or paper or juggling cars in the driveway in a bath towel or doing one of those or washing a car in a swim brief when school was not in session.

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RE:Morning paper read

Noodengr2 & Minimalist, in a different lifetime, long away and far ago, I used to get The San Antonio Daily Express, usually delivered around 5 in the morning. In the warm, summer months, I would often go out to the curb to fetch the paper, totally nude. I thoroughly enjoyed the early morning quiet in the neighborhood and loved sitting out on the front porch with my coffee, a smoke, and the morning paper. Every now and then, a car would drive by while I was on the porch, but my house was set back from the road far enough that I don't think anyone ever noticed me sitting out there naked. AND, of course, I always finished my smoke and my coffee and went back inside BEFORE it got truly light and the neighborhood started to stir.

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