First time naked with a friend

I was around 10 years old and living in a mountain community. My best friend and I liked hiking and playing in remote areas in the mountains. It was a nice warm day, we decided to go and explore a remote creek and ended up building a small dam to have a pool of water to play in. We ended up getting our clothes wet and didnt want to get into trouble with our mothers in returning home with wet clothes. It was decided to take our wet clothes off and allow them to dry. We continued to play in the creek and pool of water naked and was enjoying this new freedom that we found. There was a small clearing where we could lay naked under the sun to relax from playing naked. Afterwords, we invited a friend to join us, but was turned down stating that it was not normal to play and hangout naked. We continued our naked time together and it was our secret thing to do together that summer. We continued our naked time together for the rest of the summer until he moved which ended playing naked outdoors.

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RE:First time naked with a friend

It was a regular thing for us at the pool or beach in the changing or locker room. Then we'd go out into the lake far enough to let our swimsuits fall to our ankles and step one foot out of them.

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RE:First time naked with a friend

For me, it was the typical "Playing Doctor" with the neighbor girl and my older sister. They wanted me to examine them, and we all wondered why I had a worm thingy sticking out and they had this weird slit with a hole. Exams were conducted with my sister's brownie's flashlight. Pretty normal from what child psychologist say. It was an early Saturday Morning, both sets of parents were asleep, and happened in the basement den we had just had built. I was seven maybe, neighbor girl was eight, sister was nine, and my sister was the one who "made the appointment".


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RE:First time naked with a friend

First time with a girl was a game of Spin the Bottle. I had an erection. She was surprised to see that I had a few pubic hairs, and she had not started to develop breasts yet. Don't remember how old I was, but we were born in the same year with eight months between us.

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RE:First time naked with a friend

Growing up my one friend had a pool and during the summer after bike riding we stop at his house to get a drink of water . When it was hot his mother let us cool off by letting us go into the pool we never wore suites and being seen by his mother or sister if she was home never seemed like a big deal we were 10,11 at the time

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RE:First time naked with a friend

Quite a long time ago. Between the ages of 8-10, I had a group of friends in the neighborhood when we lived in El Paso, TX. There were lots of open space, fields, abandoned buildings, and a creek/stream running through our area. Too long a story but we'd all walk together or meet up at this abandoned building, strip and go exploring. We'd play in the stream, look for frogs and then at dusk we'd get dressed and head back home.

It really seemed so innocent and natural. There were two older kids, one boy and one girl that were getting naked for sexual reasons but we always left them in the building and roamed the fields and other buildings.

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RE:First time naked with a friend

Id say my first time nude with a friend was when I was around 13. Where we lived there was a very large open field nearby that had a creek and a small spring fed pond. We would go explore that field and got to know it well.

At 13 years old we were allowed to go camping out there. One of the trips we got wet and did not want to be uncomfortable through the night and did not want to pack up to go home. We decided to get out of the wet clothes and continue the night. We were more like brothers than just friends. Neither of us thought a thing about it. It did not become a regular practice of getting undressed but nudity was much more casual after that night.

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RE:First time naked with a friend

Enjoyed the first time story, and yes as younger times being naked seemed harmless and easy to be. No awkwardness to it. So was gonna give ^5 a high 5 to ya........deerun

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RE:First time naked with a friend

My spin is different. I go with new woman to resorts, been with 6 women over the past 6 or 7 years. Im in my 60s they are close to me in age. You never know how it will turn out. Some say a lot( like they did it as kids all the time) then go and get shy. Some dont say much and wow they surprise me.

I love the first time I go with them, see a different side and see how confident they are. Heading to resort in 2 weeks, with a gal I went with 2 years ago. Last year she wasn't interested, this year she brought it up? So I said sure, you pick the days, use my name and we are there!

So looking forward to Shangri La 15th -19th.

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