love: is it 4 me

I have question that's keeping me from the dating world. I'm a nice guy but, when I get around girls that I think that have just a little interest in my I drive them away by being mean, ignoring them or whatever. I do this only because I think I not good-looking and I don't want to get hurt if I do get a girlfriend because if I do I think she will get tired of me in like a day. My confidence is down and I know thats one thing girls are looking for. I need help and positive feedback. Am I at least a little handsome.

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RE: love: is it 4 me

Well, it's kind of hard to say how you look, as your pic is kind of blurry and your face is in shadow. However, EVERYBODY has their good qualities and most people understand that. Take me for example, I'm no catch by any means, but I don't do too badly with the ladies. It's not because I'm confident, I'm not and it's not because I have a winning personality or am a smooth talker. It's because I'm myself. No more and no less. People can spot when others are being fake with them, so if you just act yourself you'll be fine.
It also sounds to me that you are putting too much pressure on yourself, stop. I used to have the same problem, I looked at nearly every woman I met asa potential mate and would turn into a complete 'tard. I have since realized that you got to stop thinking about where you want to go in the future with a person and just live in the moment as it were. You have to be friends before you can become lovers. Let things take their course and you will be pleasently surprised. Basically, when you meet someone just be yourself and not think of them as anything other than a person. If you find that you are still acting like an ass, stop yourself, you know why you are doing it, so don't let it happen.
One last thing, as I think I'm babbling here lol. Don't worry about what others think about you or how you look. Women willlike you for who you are and if they don't, do you really want to be with them? Anyways, just food for though, hope I made some sense. lol...These are just things I've learned over the years, best of luck to you!

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RE: love: is it 4 me

Love is for every one and it is always a gamble to put your heart out to it. If you continue with such behavior you may end up missing out on that most wonderful feeling of being in love. There is always the risk that your heart will be broken, but it's a risk worth taking You must however learn to love yourself for your confidence to grow. Always remember that you must give that which you wish to recieve.
"There are only four questions of value in life. What is sacred? Of
what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth
dying for? The answer to each is the same - only love."

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RE: love: is it 4 me

Handsome, not handsome??? What does it really matter anyway. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are reallty people out there that don't prejudge people for their looks. I say learn to love yourself exactly the way you are and everything else will fall in place. Spend your time doing what you enjoy doing, this way you are interacting with others and learn to socialize. You will have something in common with those you meet and would make it easy to converse.
No one can tell you how to live your life, but if you live it in fear (of an experience or outcome) that is not living. Life is short, enjoy every moment, get out in the world and share your magnificence!

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RE: love: is it 4 me

Ohhh, .............Swifty,

If only I were a girl ;)

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