Just moved to Ewa Beach

Hello, my wife and I recently moved to Ewa Beach from California for a job transfer. Any suggestions for places to visit and relax on the island of Oahu will be greatly appreciated.

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RE:Just moved to Ewa Beach

There is no "legal" place on Oahu. Polo Beach (Near Waialua) is the closest you're going to get (See Hawaii v. Kamala) under case law (I was one of the defendants).

Other places where you should be fine:

Goat Island (Near La'ie). You have to wade out, so be mindful of the tides and the jelly fish. Wear footwear. Coral in the feet is a bitch.
The old Nudist Camp near Turtle Bay Resort
Up above Keana Point (From Farmington road) where the old pillbox foundations are (Far, far away from the water).

I do not recommend Diamond Head. There are fairly regular patrols, and you will be cited.

John aka cobeachbum

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