RE: The Next Generation

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RE: The Next Generation

At my age (LOL) I doubt that I really qualify to be in the young nudist room. However, one thing that I find very nice about TN, is that there is a lot of diversity and participation by all ages, races, orientations, etc. I was absolutely a confirmed nudist when I was just starting college (and younger!), but not very social and really didn't discuss it with others. If I have one regret or thing that I would change, would have been to experience and participate in social nudity much sooner than I did. I am definitely glad that I found it today. And perhaps there just weren't the resources that there are available today discussing the positiveness of the lifestyle, etc. I thank TN for that and also all of my wonderful nudist friends over the years that helped me to grow the lifestyle to it's fullest. It may sound trite, but if you want to try - go for it. Don't worry - chances are you will really enjoy the freedom! And if you are comfortable to your part to introduce others. I applaud all nudists, but especially those who are younger without a support group and/or even those just thinking of trying it. And thanks to TN for all their good work too!

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RE: The Next Generation

I'm definitely not young, so I'm keeping my mouth shut on this debate - except to say that I enjoy reading all the contributions.

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RE: The Next Generation

At the age of 26, I would call my self a young nudist, and for as long as I canremember, I have seen myself this way when ever I have had theopportunityto get my clothes off I have.
I think the biggest barrier to the younger generation taking part in social nudity is sterotypes, as someone mentioned earlier, If two guys get naked together it is seen as gay, if a guy and a girl get naked together there is something sexual going on there....
99% of the time I have been naked, It has been alone, or at home with my wife, the 1% of time that I am naked, and in a social setting, I have had bad experiences, 1. (which wasnt really a social nude thing) Was sunbathing on a local nude beach, and this guy I knew from a group walked past (fully clothed), and started chatting to me, which was fine I had no problem chatting to someone while I was sunbathing, he sat down next to me, and after talking for about 5 min, I noticed that he had an erection and had his hands down his pants. 2. While in another country I went to a nude beach in the area for a long time I was there I was the only one there, another guy showed up, just as I was setting my camera up to take some photos of myself, the other guy offered to take the photos for me, I kindly declined, and we started having some casual conversation, and the photos came up, he asked me if I was taking them for the website Gaydar, I said no, just for my wife, then he blantatly said, you have a beautiful cock. After he said that, I went for a swim, then got out of there. And 3. As mentioned in the conduct andetiquette thread, while on the beach this guy was lying on a lounger blantantlymasturbating.
If these 3 things can happen to a young guy on the beach, I can see why the sterotypes get used for nudists, and defiantly why females seem to stay away from beaches.
Although I am straight and happily married, when messaging people on here, just to try and make some friends, I feel like if I message a guy they will think I am gay and hitting on them, and if I message a girl, they will just think im trying to either perve at them, or get some.

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