RE:Why are you naked?

Like others have said, it is a matter of comfort for me. I find clothing uncomfortable and too warm most of the time. Happier naked. When I go to our local nude beach, it's to have the freedom of swimming without a swimsuit and feel at one with the natural environment, not about being seen naked. The fact that there are other nude people around is comforting because of our society's unfortunate aversion to nudity. It's nice to have a space in which one will not be judged or feel threatened just because one is clothes free. If I see someone who is attractive, it's no different than if I was encountering them while wearing clothes, I'll have a quick look and move on. I spend so much time nude that it is practically my natural state, so I don't behave differently when I'm without clothes.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I feel exhilarated when I am nude in beautiful natural environments. It hit me again when I flew into San Diego a few days ago and fit in a few hours at Blacks Beach before driving to the desert. I strolled the whole length of the beach nude and barefoot along the waters edge. And absorbed all the beauty I could of the cliffs, the broad sandy beach, the rolling waves, the hang gliders above. I felt that it is in a way disrespectful not to experience such a place without clothes, Worth the huffing and puffing on the hike back up to the car. I seek out places to be naked in nature all the time, this one brought to mind how much I enjoy the sensuous experience of my naked body out in nature.

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RE:Why are you naked?

Reading thro many topics on here, and also from the odd venture into the chat rooms, and conversations on other naturist sites, I feel it worth asking the question as to what people's (particularly men's) motivation is for developing a nude lifestyle, especially when it comes to social nudity. Is it just an everyday part of life, or is it something that holds a certain thrill for you that goes beyond just simple enjoyment?Be honest.How many guys are naturists simply because they are more comfortable and relaxed that way, and are happy to socialise with other nude folk purely and simply on that basis?Or how many of you actually like to be naked with other people so you can show off your body and get a good look at other people's?Even more telling, how many of you are secretly (or not so secretly) hoping for some kind of sexual encounter as a result of being naked around other nudists? Do you relish getting an erection and showing it off to others? Are you always hoping the other men in the shower/on the beach/ in the sauna will also be sporting stiffies - or that someone (be that male or female) will initiate some form of sexual activity?And where (if anywhere) do you feel the line should be drawn between what is classed as 'simple social naturism' and 'exhibitionism' or 'cruising'?
I honestly feel very comfortable being nude at home but particularly outdoors. It is liberating and I feel more relaxed. It is great to see other people nude too - but I think it is mainly because it is nice to see other people who understand what I'm feeling when I'm nude. I'm not doing it to show off or to try to get some. I think that's the line: what is the purpose? Are you naked because you get a sexual thrill from it? Would you be nude if you were in a room by yourself or if you knew no one could see you? I'm more likely to be nude when I'm alone, not less. That's why I consider myself a nudist or a naturist, and not an exhibitionist.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I think this is an important point to make as more and more people on this site seem to gravitate here thinking nudism or naturism and simple non sexual social nudity that is part of that is primarily a precursor to sex. Or worse yet just sexual activity under another name.

Thus there are all the declarations of individuals of the option to be nudist and exhibitionist or naturist and swinger. My preference for clothes free living and naturism has nothing to do with my sexual life. I am not naked as the OP asked to get some or attract sexual attention. I would be the same sexual being if I wasnt a naturist just as I would have other natural body functions wither I was naked or not. Things like exhibitionism and swinging are intentional organized sexual activities pursued with a separate intention from nudism. I blame some nudists and those who decided to be nude content creators for blurring the lines and promoting the idea that being a nudist or naturist is just about getting naked . I wish naturism and nudism was not associated with them at all but it seems from the overwhelming amount of people on the site who think that way that battle and possibly the war may be lost.

I'm not doing it to show off or to try to get some. I think that's the line: what is the purpose? Are you naked because you get a sexual thrill from it? Would you be nude if you were in a room by yourself or if you knew no one could see you? I'm more likely to be nude when I'm alone, not less. That's why I consider myself a nudist or a naturist, and not an exhibitionist.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I grew up outdoors and love being in nature. But I was always ashamed of my body and never wished to be seen nude by anyone. But my then gf talked me into going to a resort.. I was ashamed at first,, but was made to feel comfortable by the host. I was in the outdoors and was able to let go of all my hang-ups.. To not care what others would think,, I know I have nothing to show off and the idea of looking for hook-up was not going to happen,, I still love the feel of the sun and wind on all of my body.. I think I replyed to this?

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RE:Why are you naked?

I grew up outdoors and love being in nature. But I was always ashamed of my body and never wished to be seen nude by anyone. But my then gf talked me into going to a resort.. I was ashamed at first,, but was made to feel comfortable by the host. I was in the outdoors and was able to let go of all my hang-ups.. To not care what others would think,, I know I have nothing to show off and the idea of looking for hook-up was not going to happen,, I still love the feel of the sun and wind on all of my body.. I think I replyed to this?

Congratulations to you and girlfriend. Overcoming shame and embarrassment are reasons enough to explore nudism. Then we discover all the other benefits that folks are posting about on this thread. Cool.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I grew up outdoors and love being in nature. But I was always ashamed of my body and never wished to be seen nude by anyone. But my then gf talked me into going to a resort.. I was ashamed at first,, but was made to feel comfortable by the host. I was in the outdoors and was able to let go of all my hang-ups.. To not care what others would think,, I know I have nothing to show off and the idea of looking for hook-up was not going to happen,, I still love the feel of the sun and wind on all of my body.. I think I replyed to this?

Congratulations to you and girlfriend. Overcoming shame and embarrassment are reasons enough to explore nudism. Then we discover all the other benefits that folks are posting about on this thread. Cool.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I grew up outdoors and love being in nature. But I was always ashamed of my body and never wished to be seen nude by anyone. But my then gf talked me into going to a resort.. I was ashamed at first,, but was made to feel comfortable by the host. I was in the outdoors and was able to let go of all my hang-ups.. To not care what others would think,, I know I have nothing to show off and the idea of looking for hook-up was not going to happen,, I still love the feel of the sun and wind on all of my body.. I think I replyed to this?

Congratulations to you and girlfriend. Overcoming shame and embarrassment are reasons enough to explore nudism. Then we discover all the other benefits that folks are posting about on this thread. Cool.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I grew up outdoors and love being in nature. But I was always ashamed of my body and never wished to be seen nude by anyone. But my then gf talked me into going to a resort.. I was ashamed at first,, but was made to feel comfortable by the host. I was in the outdoors and was able to let go of all my hang-ups.. To not care what others would think,, I know I have nothing to show off and the idea of looking for hook-up was not going to happen,, I still love the feel of the sun and wind on all of my body.. I think I replyed to this?

Congratulations to you and girlfriend. Overcoming shame and embarrassment are reasons enough to explore nudism. Then we discover all the other benefits that folks are posting about on this thread. Cool.

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RE:Why are you naked?

I love to be naked outside, at the beach, in the garden. I feel that I'm closer ti nature and it's a sort of spiritual feeling that's hard to explain (especially to someone who doesn't get naturism)

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