Chest hair?

What do we prefer, hairy, shaved or waxed?

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RE: Chest hair?

Hairy. But last chistmas (2010)I had no body hair at all. Shaving was a chore. I let it all grow. Then recently (Christmas 2011) I got a yen to go hairless again. Gues what No body hair again. It's shaved.

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RE: Chest hair?

That must have been written in January 2012. It is now October 2012 - nerely ten months later. And I still shave off all my body hair.

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RE:Chest hair?

Personal preference in my opinion.

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RE:Chest hair?

I prefer full body nude and smooth. I have been shaving full body smooth since I was still in high school, long before it became popular to do so.
I was on the swim team and every season 4 finals we were required to shave all body hair outside or Speedo lines Just prior to our first events. When you hit the water this makes an amazing sensation and gives you a little psychological boost. During this time my girlfriend and I were extremely sexually active and particularly enjoyed engaging in oral activities.
I not only shaved outside my Speedo line, I shaved completely smooth, my girlfriend went wild and the sex was off the charts. She then decided to shave fully smooth, but was in quite paranoid her mother would find out and know what we've been up to. Since this time I have always shaved full body smooth and since I do this on a near-daily basis it is not a chore do not have itching are other issues.

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