All couples "NA"?

I noticed something new, and I've been looking around to check it. It seems that in every single profile listed as a "couple," the gender of the first person listed is given as NA. Anybody know what that's about?

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RE:All couples "NA"?

I noticed something new, and I've been looking around to check it. It seems that in every single profile listed as a "couple," the gender of the first person listed is given as NA. Anybody know what that's about?

That happened as part of the "Bad Words we must never speak" purge. "Man" was one of those words, you know, because it might trigger someone with man issues. Lots of things got broke by a not-so-well thought out plan to comply with some arbitrary filtering of words some DEI moron found offensive. While some of the filtering was backed off, it left behind a trail of issues that will probably never be fixed. This is just one of them.

John aka cobeachbum

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