Why Be Nude?

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Why Be Nude?
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font size="4"font face="Book Antiqua"For me being nude equals freedom, as I am sure most will agree...

I found I preferred to sleep nude at the very early age of 7 years old...

What reason? I don't know, just more comfortable I guess...

Starting about 13 or 14, I wanted to be nude during waking hours,
whenever I had the chance... Why? It just felt good to be nude...

At about 16 or 17, I took any opportunity I could to be nude, on the desert, or any remote place I could find...

When I was about 22 or 23, my wife and I would spend most days nude at home... Why? Because we could...

When I was a little older, 29 or 30 I took walks by moonlight (nude) down the remote powerline roads in Arizona...

Due to previous religious constraints, I never joined an organized nude venue, and haven't been to one even now...

In the intervening years (I am 49 now), my only nudity was at home in
my bedroom, or in the home while the kids were at school...

But in the past 2 or 3 years, I finally realized "I are a nudist"...

And a born nudist at that... Despite my upbringing to the contrary...

Since the summer of 2006, the wife and I are always nude at home...

And occasionally get a chance to be nude elsewhere...

Haven't done the mixed nudity thing yet...

Want to enjoy it with my wife, and she is not sure about it yet...

Sexuality and nudity?

Obviously you can't deny that being nude is at least sensual...

And in certain contexts is certainly sexual...

One must be cautious not to confuse the two...

Actually it is "context" that makes the difference between "sexual" and "non-sexual" nudity...

But it is also "background" and "habits"....

i.e. If you come from a background where nudity is akin to "sin", you
may find it difficult to not feel shame at your own nudity...

or even to feel as if by being nude with others, you are partaking in "sinful" behavior...

Or if you habitually view sexually explicit materials, that warp your
view of the (purity) of the human body, you may find it difficult to be
nude without equating that to sex, or viewing your fellow nude
enthusiasts in a sexual way...

Would being nude all the time make a person "dead" to seeing the sensuality of other's bodies?...

I used to think so, but in actuality it doesn't...

Being unclothed removes barriers due to dress, and differing economic levels...

It eliminates undue "speculation" about other people (and their bodies)...

And doggone it, it just feels good!

Take Care,

Daniel and Brenda/font/font

What is your opinion?

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RE: Why Be Nude?

In the house it's a comfort thing, often I will wear a tee shirt but be bottomless even if I go out to the mailbox. We sleep nude as it is more comfortable. And when I am outside hiking, boating or fishing it just feels good, a way to get closer to nature and God.

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RE: Why Be Nude?

You don't have to think about what to wear.

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RE: Why Be Nude?

Instead of asking why be nude maybe we should ask why not be nude?

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RE: Why Be Nude?

Instead of asking why be nude maybe we should ask why not be nude?
The only reason i can think of why NOT be nude is to avoid arrest.
Otherwise , I am pretty sure I would wonder around in the nude all the time.
I think I mentioned it before , I had the luxury of working nude for few years and had to use clothing for very few hours a week when went out side.
What can I say : BEST YEARS EVER ( on that aspect )

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RE: Why Be Nude?

I am never dressed when I can be nude

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RE: Why Be Nude?

During the summer months, it's the only way to go-who needs to have sweaty clothes on? It just feels so natural and good having the air cool my entire body, whether it be working in the yard, hiking, or just relaxing, plus that an all over tan looks and feels great.

The unwashed masses of textiles don't get that concept, but I can truly say that I am much cooler mowing and doing other yard work nude that even in just a pair of shorts. If you don't believe me, look in my photos...my sweet wife snapped me mowing one summer afternoon.
Hey! I just realized this was my 600th post!

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