Phantom messages? or not

It seems like about every third day I get an email saying that I have a new private message on TN, today's said it was from "Good12". Then, each time I look up the member or login to see the message, the member does not exist and there is no message. Anyone else having this issue?

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RE: Phantom messages? or not

One of the reasons why you might NOT be able to find the profile is because who ever set up the profile set the privacy settings to be EXcluded from any searches.

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RE: Phantom messages? or not

It seems like about every third day I get an email saying that I have a new private message on TN, today's said it was from "Good12". Then, each time I look up the member or login to see the message, the member does not exist and there is no message. Anyone else having this issue?Gator1
Yes, I have received several such alert emails. Then when I check it out, there is no such member. The latest one I got is also from "good12." TN apparently is very fast at identifying this kind of spam and then banning the member.
Nude in MA describes the situation very well.

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RE: Phantom messages? or not

Thanks, guys! That all makes sense now!

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