RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

NO TONGUE?????????? What good is a kiss with no tongue???? Well, maybe not when I kiss my mom !!!!!! lmao


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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.


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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

NO TONGUE?????????? What good is a kiss with no tongue???? Well, maybe not when I kiss my mom !!!!!! lmao Steve
STEVEN !!! ......Too much info!!! ... AGAIN!

I know I started it, but come on now lads, BEHAVE !!!

Sorry mands69 for wrecking your thread.

(seems you just can't take Steve anywhere :)

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.


Yeah, that goes double for me too Michael

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

LOL!!! You guys are too much. Now Phil, you KNOW we even delayed our supernudist posting until your certification came through, because we didn't want to surpass you by becoming the first CERTIFIED supernudists. Besides, there are two of us posting, we don't NEED to hiccup on purpose! LOL, you will always be full of more hot air and opinions (and, ok, I'll admit it - useful advice and information), than the two of us put together!


MandS - our personal opinion is non-sexualdisplays of affection are acceptable, as long as it doesn't offend the local customs (and end up getting you into trouble).

Wewould love to hear other peoples thoughts, viewpoints and opinions on the matter of PDA's!

Hugs, kisses and cuddles,

Jen and Steve

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

Oh Oh, I'm a bad boy...... AGAIN !!!!!!! Mom's going to ground me to my side of the "pond" AGAIN !!!!!! LOL

Anyhow, I believe that PDA's are great and enjoy them no matter where we are. Although, there is only one woman that I see that feels the same as I do about them. ( I won't mention any names because it's not polite, KAREN), but we hold hands where ever we go, and it makes us both feel like a million bucks !!!!! I guess what I am saying is that I agree that PDA's are OK, as long as they don't cross that "line".....


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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

LOL!!! You guys are too much. Now Phil, you KNOW we even delayed our supernudist posting until your certification came through, because we didn't want to surpass you by becoming the first CERTIFIED supernudists. Besides, there are two of us posting, we don't NEED to hiccup on purpose! LOL, you will always be full of more hot air and opinions (and, ok, I'll admit it - useful advice and information), than the two of us put together! Now BACK TO THE QUESTION AT HAND!!! MandS - our personal opinion is non-sexualdisplays of affection are acceptable, as long as it doesn't offend the local customs (and end up getting you into trouble). Wewould love to hear other peoples thoughts, viewpoints and opinions on the matter of PDA's! Hugs, kisses and cuddles, Jen and Steve
Ooops! ... SORRY Jen & Steve,

I know that you know that I knew that you know I knew that you two waited for me to get certified,

and that you wouldn't pull a stunt like that.

Put it down to old age :)

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

It is not right for gay couples.

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

Randy and I were also wondering about this. Recently we went to Rock Haven nudist retreat in Murfreesboro, TN and while we had a great time, we were very careful to not get too close to eachother or to do anything more than hold hands. We are very cuddly people and we usually walk with our arms around eachother and if we are on a couch or something we are always cuddling. We didn't know if this type of behavior would be appropriate so we just refrained from it. We both went home feeling like the experience would have been a lot better if we didn't feel like we would get in trouble for hugging. I understand sexual activities are strictly forbidden in public areas, but thats not the kindof stuff we were wanting to do anyways.
I feel like if we had gone on a weekend when there were more people we would have been able to follow the examples of others better, but we attended on a wednesday and there were very few people there. This thread helped clear some things up, but I guess the only thing we can do is follow the example within our comfort zone of those who are members of the camp.

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

To Naturally and Kurt, all I can think to say is sarcasm here. It hardly requires any thought to figure out how far off the mark you guys are. Gays kiss each other FOR EXACTLY THE SAME REASON THAT ANYBODY DOES. Geez. Kurt, how can you think they just do it to offend? Does that mean that they are secretly straight and just pretending so they can cause a ruckus? I amUSED to men and women kissing so it doesn't offend. Most people are USED to clothed people so nude ones sometimes offend. If you are homophobic then it might scare you. But certainly, you are not USED to it so their kissing might shock you. It's just kissing. Chill out and as nudists, you should be ashamed of yourselves for judging people on your own personal biases. Don't bring your prejudices here or atleast, air them as a discussion and not as truths. You obviously don't know the truths in this matter. Meet some gay folks. Get to know them and then come back and tell us what you've discovered. When you love someone, you want to kiss them and if that person happens to be the same sex, then gosh, it just might follow that you'd still want to kiss them no matter what the narrowminded in the vicinity might think. Whoops, there goes the sarcasm, could only hold it back for so long.

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