Back to being my regular beach

I haven't been a regular at Werrong for a while. Since my partner lives in Sydney, I've tended to hit the Sydney beaches more on weekends.
Well, that is going to chance, we have bought a place together here in Wollongong, and are moving in August. Come next season, I'll be back at Werrong regularly. Hope to see some of you there.

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RE: Back to being my regular beach

I haven't been a regular at Werrong for a while. Since my partner lives in Sydney, I've tended to hit the Sydney beaches more on weekends.Well, that is going to chance, we have bought a place together here in Wollongong, and are moving in August. Come next season, I'll be back at Werrong regularly. Hope to see some of you there.good for you I am working at markets most weekends so I don't get a chance to go but 10 months ago was more regular and enjoyed the hard slog up and down but always slower than others its very good exercise and easy to get a sheltered position. The only problem was one elderly couple who acted as if they owned the beach and would hassle people the guy was a complete arsehole and made it very unpleasant so we steered clear of him

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RE: Back to being my regular beach

good to catch up with you over summer.

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RE: Back to being my regular beach

Lets hope this summer is better than last one. We only got to Werrong about 5 times all last summer, hope to be there more this summer.

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