Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

Yesterday, I took some outdoor pics which were way too bright. With editting, they became interesting, and the backgroup was more visible.

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RE: Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

I take most of my photos myself with a tripod and time-delay camera. They can be a bit hit-and-miss. But I find they can be rescued by adjusting the exposure and cropping in Photoshop.

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RE: Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

Isn't it nice to be creative... Ollygrumps you have very nice pics, and I wouldn't have guessed that your pics were self-taken... In my case, I throw away pics that can't be recued (one of the nicest things about digital cameras).

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RE: Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

Especially with small digital cameras, I like to use Photoshop to recreate the shallow depth of field you'd get using a larger, film or digital SLR. It's just what I'd do with the lens on a different camera, but with Photoshop, I can layer the depth a bit. This isjust my way of supporting the comment - Sometimes editing (aka Photoshop) can save a marginal picture. Often I feel the image is good, but the technical level is not polished enough to let you appreciate the subject. A little editing can make a so-so image pop.

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RE: Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

A favorite technique of mine is to select the background, then blurusing filters. Once selected, the background can also be darkened to various degrees to really make the subject pop. Doing so can transform a snapshot to a photograph.

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RE: Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

]MacNude ... that's exactly what I was talking about. On a larger format camera the background would just naturally look that way, but smaller cameras have more depth of field and hold everything in focus. A little work in image editing software can make it look like you had a better camera to do the photo.

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RE: Sometimes editting can save a marginal pic.

great comments... Also, changing to black and white can make a pic more classy.

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