Weird things happening on TN

When I logged in today, the top banner had a number "1" next to "HOME". Great I thought, a new friend or a comment on one of my pictures. Clicked on "Home". There's a "1" after "Updates" and after "Pictures" (Shouldn't there be a "2" after "Home" I think?). Click on "Updates", sure enough a new post in one of the forums I follow. After reading it, I go back to "Home" and click on "Pictures". The "1" stays after "Pictures", not after "Comments". There are no new pictures, no new comments, no new anything. Remembering that I had an outstanding friend request, I click on "Friends". The "1" moves to "Blocked Profiles". Now I don't think TN would be telling me that someone blocked me (and I can't imagine why anyone would :) ), and I haven't blocked anyone (and there are no profiles showing as blocked). And to end it all, the friend request I had is no longer there. Go figure.
On the bright side, I see the IE is now recognizing paragraphs automatically, I don't have to insert the 'br' manually anymore.
John aka cobeachbum

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RE: Weird things happening on TN

And just as quick, the friend request showed up again and after I acknowledged it, the "1" after Blocked profiles changed to a "0" then went away. Technology, gotta love it.
John aka cobeachbum

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