How to quit smoking

It occurs to me that some smokers may pop in here from time to time. A handy guide to quitting smoking may set them in the right direction. Please add tips here as you have time to do so.

The first thing you need to do to quit is make up your mind to quit. In order to be successful at quitting any addiction, you have to want to quit.

When you have made up your mind to quit, try setting attainable standards. For example, try quitting for one hour. That's easy to do. If you get through that hour, try to go for another, then another. It's not that hard to go for one hour without a cigarette. Most smokers have to do thatnow if they go to a restaurant or a movie. It's not that hard.If you got through that first hour, then obviously a second hour is not out of the question.

If you have cigarettes, try putting them out of sight and, if possible, out of easy reach. It's easier to continue to go without if you have to make an effort to get a cigarette.

Clean your ashtrays and put them away. You do not need to have the smell there to remind you to smoke.

Clean yourself and your clothing. If you go somewhereand other people have been smoking, clean your clothing immediately afterwards.

Avoid places where you will smell cigarette smoke.

Avoid activities that you associate with smoking. Find other things to do. Now is as good of a time as any to start a hobby.

Buy some peppermint lozenges. Keep them handy. They are a reasonably low calorie andextremely inexpensive alternative to smoking. If you prefer sweets, think about sucking on lollipops.

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RE: How to quit smoking

Think up something new that you can do every time you want a cigarette instead of smoking. Exercise would be one suggestion I could make. Create a new healthier habit.

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RE: How to quit smoking

It takes a few weeks to create a new habbit to replace the old one....just make sure you stick with it.
:) Cheri

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