RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

I would like to be able to search the forums for entries by the user name. When I get a friend request I check their profile, but I would also like to find their posts to see how they interact with others.
As far as purging inactive users, please leave their posts in the forums. Maybe a read X over their profile picture on the post heading could be used to indicate they are gone. Currently if they are the OP and the user is purged the entire thread goes away. Also their posts go away in other threads. This breaks any continuity making the discussion confusing.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

Can someone go to the list of Chat Rules that we have to "sign" by clicking in order to chat and add "#7: No posting links"? How hard can that be? I've seen multiple moderators in my month here boot total newcomers out because "It's a rule!" when in fact those newcomers couldn't have known better because that "rule" is not actually in print on the entrance to the chat room. Such a simple fix, really, and would eliminate yet another layer of nuisance. (And arrogant moderator behavior.) (I didn't say all moderators were arrogant, I said it would eliminate another layer of any moderator behavior is arrogant.)
Anyone who cannot obey these simple rules,should not use Chat.

Chat Room Rules and Regulations
1. No Sexual Discussion, or Sexual Activities in EITHER ROOM
2. No Crotch Shots. Faces on cam please.
3. If you do not want to be seen on your cam. Do not use it.
4. Be nice, no rudity harrassing or trolling.
5. Flag users who do not follow the rules.
6. Have Fun!
Failure to follow these rules will cause your account to be banned

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

If "No Posting Links" is a rule it should be posted.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

One suggestion would be (unless I am just missing something) some way to go quickly to the last post in a discussion thread within a group. Right now, I go into a group then click on a discussion thread and it provides me with the page of the oldest posts. I then have to scroll to the end of the page to get to the options to go to the remaining pages. If a thread says it has say 8 pages I click on the 8 or the ]] to try and get to the end but often it just says "no replies returned" so I back and then click on the 7 to get what is probably the last page. If there are 10 or more pages it takes even more steps just to find the latest post in the topic.The original post followed by the subsequent posts in reverse chronological order would be good ...

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

I would like to be able to search the forums for entries by the user name. When I get a friend request I check their profile, but I would also like to find their posts to see how they interact with others.As far as purging inactive users, please leave their posts in the forums. Maybe a read X over their profile picture on the post heading could be used to indicate they are gone. Currently if they are the OP and the user is purged the entire thread goes away. Also their posts go away in other threads. This breaks any continuity making the discussion confusing.BobFully agree with this. Someone may have made valuable contributions to discussions and then gone inactive for whatever reason ... while it would be helpful to remove hibernating profiles - we should not lose their good thoughts ... The red X method could also facilitate reviving a profile at a later point should the owner decide to re-emerge from hibernation since all links to posts would still be intact ...

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

If the owners do not want to delete inactive accounts I like the idea of placing a red X over their profile pic if they haven't signed in for an extended period of time. Say 1 year? Two years?

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

If the owners do not want to delete inactive accounts I like the idea of placing a red X over their profile pic if they haven't signed in for an extended period of time. Say 1 year? Two years?Ditto

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

I would like to see a "Like" button for posts and photo's.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

I would like to be able to search the forums for entries by the user name. When I get a friend request I check their profile, but I would also like to find their posts to see how they interact with others.As far as purging inactive users, please leave their posts in the forums. Maybe a read X over their profile picture on the post heading could be used to indicate they are gone. Currently if they are the OP and the user is purged the entire thread goes away. Also their posts go away in other threads. This breaks any continuity making the discussion confusing.BobFully agree with this. Someone may have made valuable contributions to discussions and then gone inactive for whatever reason ... while it would be helpful to remove hibernating profiles - we should not lose their good thoughts ... The red X method could also facilitate reviving a profile at a later point should the owner decide to re-emerge from hibernation since all links to posts would still be intact ...
Try going to "Forums" page. Go to upperright corner to "Search Forum" type in the username.

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RE: Site Upgrades - Make your suggestions!

Since we're on the subject of pictures ... a question, if TT1 and TT2 are reading.
Why are you putting the site's watermark on all our own pictures? Many of those pictures in our gallery are our own, private pictures we chose to share with friends here but I'd like to know why you've put your watermark on our pictures?
Thanks in advance for answering. ;-)

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