Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

I also posted this information on the Cropping Thread but it seems this is a whole new topic, so wanted to start a new thread as well as close that one out.
The "Cropping" thread disappeared when the person who started it, CTNude, disappeared from the site.
I exchanged an e-mail with CTNude and he said someone brought to his attention that some of the photos he posted here were now on various Tumblr sites.
Here is an direct excerpt from his letter:
"A TN member on my friend list was kind enough to let me know that one of
my photos was posted on a tumblr site. He gave me the address. It
turned out to be three photos made into a collage, and it had spread to a
total of 95 different tumblr sites. I immediately closed down my TN
account and have been frantically trying to contact the owners of the
sites to get the photo taken down. Some have complied, most haven't, and
others don't even have a way to contact them. Tumblr said that they
would work on it, but I haven't heard from them in three days."

He is not the first person to tell me they have had photos they posted here show up on Tumblr.
For what it's worth, I have always felt that anything posted online any place (including here) is the genie out of the bottle, statements, disclaimers and officially worded "PRIVACY warnings" not withstanding. It all has the potential to end up "out there," and I accept that is the risk. Because of that I don't share as many photos on the site as I would like too.
I would like to be more open. I am not ashamed of my nude photos or of being a nudist, but I live and work in a world where there are bosses and clients, companies and individuals who are not very tolerant. They see what an employee or associate privately does as a reflection of their image, and that directly affects my economic well being.
I wanted to share this with everyone.

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

I am not ashamed of my nude photos or of being a nudist, but I live and work in a world where there are bosses and clients, companies and individuals who are not very tolerant. They see what an employee or associate privately does as a reflection of their image, and that directly affects my economic well being.I wanted to share this with everyone.Completely understandable and acceptable as far as I am concerned. I am also not ashamed at all, and economically I have no issues with that anymore, but I live in a part of the world where a naked body is still quite a taboo, and in fact illegal, so must take care whether I like it or not. So I don't post pictures in open forums or websites. I do have in my profile, but only visible to friends. But still things can happen. I already saw myself briefly in a movie on youtube, hahahaha. (Has nothing to do with TN).

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

I have also found pictures that I, and several nudist friends, are in posted on Tumblr. I have a Tumblr account and the pics that I found were ones taken several yrs ago at a nude beach in SoCal, never did I expect them to get posted on the internet. (they were never on TN). Neither of us remember who took those pics so many yrs ago and we did attempt to get them removed. Again, some did some didn't. I am in agreement with a previous comment, once it gets on the internet, it is pretty much impossible to get taken down.

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

I have an account on Tumblr. Site admin here make it difficult to download photos unless they have been copied and pasted in a group discussion. In contrast it is very easy to download from Tumblr. So, once a photo appears there, it could reappear anywhere! It might be a fruitless task trying to track them down and delete them.
I'm with Leo above. There are millions of nude photos on the internet and the chances of an individual finding one of me are small - I've only put 1,000's out there. And, Like Leo, I'm retired, very open about being a nudist and don't care who sees me naked. so the notice in my profile invites anyone to use my photosin any way they like. At my age I'd be surprised if they would bother.

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

From a technical standpoint, you can simply take a screenshot if you're able to see the picture at all. That means anyone you've befriended and can see your pictures could post them anywhere else they want.
That is the main reason you will not see a full nude of me with my face on this site or any other. In person, no problem but we will not be taking photos for posterity, at least none with me in them. This is my most valid point when addressing the people on this site that keep demanding every profile have a full nude showing their face.
It's really unfortunate. It limits freedom of expression through fear. I don't want my picture turning up on various sites. If there is a parent that has a beef with us, they might be brainless enough to post those pictures, or if there are bullies at my kids school, I could see nudes of me and my wife being posted in the locker rooms, or bulletin boards, or taped to my kids' desks. The bullies would get a slap on the wrist, but the damage would be done.

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

You are right there is always the screenshot option for anyone with a tablet. It always has to be a personal choice. Yes there are risks in posting nude photos. But there are also voyeurs who come on the site just to look at nudes. They are not real nudists. So, when there are no nude photos, how do we tell the difference between real nudists who won't or can't show themselves and these voyeur fakes? One answer would be to be certified.

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

You are right there is always the screenshot option for anyone with a tablet. It always has to be a personal choice. Yes there are risks in posting nude photos. But there are also voyeurs who come on the site just to look at nudes. They are not real nudists. So, when there are no nude photos, how do we tell the difference between real nudists who won't or can't show themselves and these voyeur fakes? One answer would be to be certified.Olly, there's also the built in Grab application both the Mac and Windows OS have a built in method to do a screen grab too. I have not tried it in Linux, but I'm sure it's there too. If it can be viewed, it can be copied. You can even take a photo of your screen with a phone or camera.
The biggest point is, for a person like you that would likely be perfectly happy standing nude in front of a lot of people, most likely not a problem except for the fact that others are benefiting from your likeness. For others that prefer to be somewhat anonymous and thought TN was a safe place, it never was. My photos, for example....I don't want them on other sites, but went on the assumption that some unscrupulous character would eventually post them somewhere else. I had to decide whether I was OK with that before I eventually posted them. That's why I have so few and only people that know me and have seen me nude would be able to identify me.
That's how I've dealt with it. That's why I've never capitulated to those people that repeatedly demand that everyone provide full nude photos.
I, for one, applaud your ability to proudly stand up for your nudism. I will be there some day, but I am not there yet.

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

First, any photo posted online any place can be captured and saved, without even doing screen grabs, if you are determined to do so. If it can be viewed, it can be saved. TN is no exception. If you post it here, it can be taken and reposted by nefarious persons with no regard for the rights and privacy of others. That's just the reality of the Internet.
For that reason, to me, there are several important things to remember:
1. Don't post anything you really feel could be destructive to your life if it gets out.
I have posted nudes of myself online and it would suck if the wrong people in my life found them, but there is only so much damage they can do because I have NEVER posted anything of a sexual nature. There is nothing of me out there (that I know of) except harmless, innocent "nude" shots. No "sex" shots.
2. In most places it is perfectly legal and even morally acceptable to make and share your artistic works and expressions. This includes nude photos.
Some of the most famous works of art in the world are nudes, and these exist on public display where any child can see them. Anyone can see Michelangelo's David, it's not restricted to prevent minors from viewing it and I hope we all understand agree that is how it should be. That is a work of art. While we may not be held in the same regard as Michelangelo, what you create is still your legitimate artistic-expression and is technically "free speech" under the law in most Western nations. (My apologies to those in places that do not have that protection.) This is the ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY group so I assume at least most of us here view the work as at least an attempt at artistic expression.
While someone can embarrass you, you shouldn't let that fear prevent you from ever expressing yourself or exercising your freedom.
3. Anything posted here is technically "private," so no one can claim posted anything publicly.
This website restricts membership to those over 18 years of age and requires a login. It may or may not be effective, in practice, but legally no one could accuse you of posting your photos publicly. If your photos are stolen and reposted against your wishes you are a victim of theft and copyright infringement. You are not guilty of anything, you are a victim of a thief. The only place you have posted your work was to a private, age restricted site. No one can accuse you of shamelessly plastering yourself naked where children or people not part of your group can see you.
I know in practice this may not be helpful, but it's important to remember most of us have both the legal and moral high ground here.
We all have our reasons to be discrete about our nudism -- myself included. I do not WANT people from my professional life to find naked photos of me online because it would be awkward, embarrassing and could potentially impact my ability to earn a living. But what is the value of having freedom of expression if we're all too afraid to use it?
Stay naked and keep posting!

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

Just curious as to where on Tumblr the TN pics are showing up ? Just curious if any of mine landed up there. I doubt that they are good enough to bother with copying and reposting, but I am curious !!!!

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

sounds like your friend was more concerned about being 'found out' than having his pic seen. the reaction...closing down an account...smacks of paranoia, and i'd be suspicious of someone who behaved this way...our pics cease being our own, once we post them....anywhere. the warnings and statements of ownership...mean nothing

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RE: Photos from TN Showing Up On Tumblr

I have an account on Tumblr. Site admin here make it difficult to download photos unless they have been copied and pasted in a group discussion. In contrast it is very easy to download from Tumblr. So, once a photo appears there, it could reappear anywhere! It might be a fruitless task trying to track them down and delete them.I'm with Leo above. There are millions of nude photos on the internet and the chances of an individual finding one of me are small - I've only put 1,000's out there. And, Like Leo, I'm retired, very open about being a nudist and don't care who sees me naked. so the notice in my profile invites anyone to use my photosin any way they like. At my age I'd be surprised if they would bother.any pic here can be saved..and shared elsewhere....its as easy as taking a screen shot on your phone or comp...

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