how many times have you flipped/rolled

we've all done it at least once , how many times have you flipped/rolled your kayak/canoe ? what happened? how many saw it? cold or warm water? deep or shallow water and were you wearing your life jacket ?

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RE: how many times have you flipped/rolled

i've been pretty lucky and only rolled my kayak once and that was at the launch getting in yeah i stepped wrong and didn't grip the sides getting into my sit in yak. my canoe i've come close practicing rowing and leaning techniques but so far so good. i don't wear a life jacket when in kayak but do in my canoe i guess i feel more confident in the kayak and it sits lower , also i fish from my canoe and move around more in it.

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RE: how many times have you flipped/rolled

Never have, except in Boy Scout Canoeing Merit Badge class where we were required to fully swamp our canoes, then get in and paddle back to shore in the swamped canoe. We also practiced canoe over canoe rescues where you empty and right the canoe and help the person back in, and righting our own canoes in water where we could stand.

(that was in the 1970s. Lots of paddling miles since then, but all in canoe - not kayak.)

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RE: how many times have you flipped/rolled

yeah creek i guess flip is better than rolled, i don't do whitewater so don't do the skirt thing and never practiced rolling, my yak has a pretty good cockpit so even if i go over i just slid out. i was reading a yak magazine other day and a guy was out on ice in a sea kayak and i thought No Way, here in georgia it stays pretty warm and i've been out in november and even january but you can feel the cold through the plastic of the yak - definately not nude time.

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RE: how many times have you flipped/rolled

Similar to Campingbare ^^up there^^ I can't count the times I flipped and rolled canoes. Besides going through all the rescue training for various badges etc,, swimming over and rolling a buddies canoe came with the territory when a bunch of us were playing around in the river. As an adult though, I don't recall accidentally flipping one, although there have been some close calls. Like dodging fallen trees in the bends of a swift flowing river. That sort of thing. But when my boat is loaded with gear, especially expensive gear, I tend to be a lot more cautious than when I have just an ice chest that floats and not much else. However, I've been with groups when other canoes have flipped. It always causes cheers and jeers from the rest of the group but, other than that, just red faces. No serious or life threatening situations. I've been pretty lucky.

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