New format suggestions

This site as it stands is falling apart. What are some suggestions to how it could be fixed?

I'll start.
* appoint moderators!
* invite only to some parts.
* earned privileges on a point system.
a new member earns points for profile info Done before all else, this would help with no blank profiles, among other things.
reads X number in the forum , gets to post. helps with same question asked over and over on first post.
earns reputation points, gets to see pictures. This help with pic collectors.

The only requirement now to see a lot of pictures is a paid membership. This doesn't work. Look at the porn business. BIG $$$$. Trolls have money too.

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RE: New format suggetions

I fully understand that this will likely never be implemented. At least not here anyway. I am just looking to determine a better solution to these common problems. If I had the time I would start my own site and invite the good people here to join. Alas too many projects so little time.

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