RE: Nude in Car

I'm not lucky enough to do the very long drives some of you have enjoyed. But whenever I have anything more than a 30 minute drive I do it naked. I drive naked during the day as well as night and through towns as well as countryside.

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RE: Nude in Car

I drive nude when I can when I take my yearly trip from Ohio to Fort Lauderdale. I have on occasion late at night, if the reststop is empty go inside naked or get a drink from the vending machine, I have ran into people going in as I was coming out or inside the rest area itself. Good thing no one makes a issue about it.

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RE: Nude in Car

Once drove from new Smyrna Beach FL to Columbia SC almost 400 miles. We started very early that morning and my wife went to sleep as soon as wehit the road and slept over half way. When she woke I was naked and took her by surprise, not a big deal but she did toss a towel in my lap a couple times when we passed a bus or truck.When we stopped for gas I talked her into pumping it for me, but didn't do me much good cause I had to get dressed to eat at McDonalds anyway.


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RE: Nude in Car

Warmer times, I'll, put a t shirt or shorts over my lap. I
didn't have to do that because my truck sat so high, I drove
through drive thru's naked all the time and never had to cover but
my Jeep sits a bit lower. Cooler times, I'll wear a button
shirt and just button a few buttons til I'm through the drive thru
and then it comes off.

What I enjoy nowadays is the ability to just see an interesting
dirt road, slip the Jeep into 4X4, and drive on that road for a bit
and get in some naked 4x4'ing. Di is still a little nervous about
4x4'ing but she's coming around. I'm getting her used to it and
once off road, she'll slip off the shirt she's wearing and be
completely naked with me!

Our plan is to explore some trails another member, here, is telling
me about in AZ. Hope we're able to do some of that and take some
great pictures! ;-)

One of the fun things I've done recently is to drive naked while doing some errands and then going through a gas station automated car wash. I thought ... what a hoot it would have been to have a CJ Jeep without a top and doors and go through that car wash in the summer! hahahahaha

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RE: Nude in Car

Absolutely love nude driving, do it all the time. Have driven as few as 5 miles to run errands or as far as 500/600 miles. Love the freedom and exhilaration it gives me. Can't say for sure if I've been seen, but I will drive highways, country roads, city streets, thru tolls and drivethrus during day or night. Sometime have a cover-up with me, but usually do not. It's really fun going thru tolls and seeing the reaction. Both men and women have smiled, said I see your having a nice day, I say sure am and drive on. One thing for sure, I feel I drive more careful while naked just so I don't bring attention to my car and get pulled over. As for accidents, being more careful reduces the chance. Have more fun while driving, drive nude!

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RE: Nude in Car

Today is a golf day with a close friend. He's a textile friend and probably would scoff at simple nudity so we don't discuss it at all with these friends. They live about 40 mins away and I usually pick him up for those times out on the links that are north of both of us. Today is no different. I'll pick him up in about an hour or so and we'll head north to a course we've both never played.
After I drop him off at home, I have a spot where I can park off the road and not be seen by anyone and I get out and strip off the shorts and polo shirt and have a really nice naked drive home. Only thing that would make it better is to find a back road route to our house so I didn't have to get on the freeway with all the "going home traffic." But, I usually just stay in the slow lane and enjoy my ride home. Makes it last longer! ;-)

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RE: Nude in Car

What would you do if you got into an accident or got pulled over for something? That could prove to be a bit embarrassing.
Would depend on the law in your specific country. In the UK, if they [pulled me over and I was naked, the Police would probably first ask me to put some clothes on then tell me why they pulled me over, probably wouldn't get a ticket for driving naked unless I was doing something sexual like jerking off or something.
I drive naked at night a lot, especially between dogging sites or I'll drive naked to the beach in the early hours of the morning. Drove naked to Shoreham nude beach one night, got there about 1am and there were loads of people there, didn't realise it was also a dogging site, but had some fun and then slept until morning in the car.

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RE: Nude in Car

So ... my friend and I drove back to this mall near his home, before I was going to take him home, to have one last drink and some appetizers. Wouldn't you know it ... we run into our wives who are having lunch and drinks at the same place! We gave them their space and sat at the bar. My wife, his wife and another close female friend were sitting at a table in the restaurant.
After we were done, he went home with his wife and my wife and I headed home in separate cars. I told her to give me a minute so I could strip and get comfortable. She said ... "we need to coordinate this stuff better so we can do that together in one car!" I got in my car and stripped and off we went. It was easy enough to exit my car while nude and unload my golf clubs and clothes. I wasn't but 2-3 minutes doing this and as I walk into the house and into the laundry room, there my wife stands completely naked and says ... "NOW, I feel better!"

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RE: Nude in Car

It has been quite warm here the past few days and will be for the next week ... high 80's and low 90's. The mornings are still a bit chilly but by 9:30 am, plenty warm enough for outside nudity and driving naked ... which I have returned to doing since it's gotten warmer.
Like my friend above, there aren't too many times throughout each and every year, that I'm not driving naked when the weather permits ... and here in So Cal, it's a good bet that it's most of the time.

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RE: Nude in Car

driving naked is one of my favorite pass times. one thing i am really really happy about is many non-nudist people that too here in india are quiet tolerant and accept nudity decently. i have countless experiences while i drove naked most of the times on bangalore - pune highway in broad day light with car window glasses opened on both sides and me fully naked on the driver seat. ofcourse a lone traveller, many people sitting in busses and trucks passing me have noticed in awe and smiled from their windows. more than these the best experiences came when i stop by a highway roadside coconut vendor and bought tender coconuts while i still being naked. they used to be surprised but never complained. seeing things going my stride, i used to ask them to click a pic for me from my camera and interestingly they agreed. then i came out of the car ensuring safety and he clicked some good pics for me naked on highway.
other times i have given lift to some strangers while i was driving naked, once to a lady and once to a college boy.
many many more experiences. i just loved

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