How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I think about it almost everyday, but i do it like 5 times when i can.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I think about it almost everyday, but i do it like 5 times when i can.First thing in the morning I DD and put on the Heating. Then get dressed.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I guess pretty much everyday when I'm home.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

Daily from Autumn (Fall for you Yanks)through to Spring, I consider whether I need to put on a t-shirt or jumper (pullover) if the temp is too cool. Whenever I have heating on, I prefer no item of clothing, except maybe sox as my feet get cold rather more quickly as I age gracefully.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

Every day that it is too cool to be comfortable naked. When it's warmer, I go fully nude.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I think about it almost everyday, but i do it like 5 times when i can.I am usually naked most of the time, but when I get chilly, the first thing I do is throw on a hoodie and socks and Donald Duck it

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

For me its every day and most of the day at that. An advantage to living along I guess.. I have always liked doing this and company that does too.. he he he. Steve

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

Only when the temperature is below 64F do I Donald duckling. Otherwise I completely naked.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I think about it alot but I am usually totally naked at home. I probably do it once or twice a week on average and I do it once or twice a week for short periods in the gym locker room.

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I do it every day. That's the way I sleep too. I don't know why, just most comfortable...if my shoulders and feet are warm I'm good. So everyday year round, and walk around that way at the gym too, but I'm totally naked a lot too. I'm usually totally naked outside and DD inside in the morning and evening when the sun is not up...? Weird I guess, but my Father did the same thing...! Mark

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RE: How often on a week do you think or do Donald Ducking?

I think about it almost everyday, but i do it like 5 times when i can.I prefer to be nude, but Donald Ducking is great in the Winter months. Not really sure I can put a number on it - more like more frequently December - April (or in other terms - the "heating months" for the house).

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