50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Weather forecasts

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As any nudist who enjoys outdoor nudism knows, the weather influences our enjoyment of it greatly. We're in SE England, on the coast, so the sea influences our weather significantly, especially at this time of year when sea mists are quite common. As does the jetstream, which in recent years has often been located well off of its normal path.We listen to forecasts on the radio, watch them on TV and use various online weather sites. Massive amounts get spent on new technology that supposedly will make weather forecasting more accurate(supposedly!).

Yet so often we get weather that is very different to what was forecast an hour or so earlier. I'd be very interested to know what others here do to get an accurate idea of the expected weather in similar locations. I'm not interested in what is expected in locations where the weather will be wall to wall sunshine for days on end!

We have a group of local friends who it has become traditional to celebrate birthdays with in our birthday suits, when possible. One had a significant birthday on Thursday, they've moved over the winter so they're not so local now. As its a long holiday weekend we went to their new place to celebrate the birthday in their new hot tub with a few other friends on Thursday evening. Friday was forecast to be cloudy with a few sunny spells late in the day, around 14 C, by every resource we checked with. It was a bit fresh at first but we spent the whole day nude outside there, helping sort out some planting when it was cooler, then enjoying the area they've set up for sunning as it got warmer. It was sunny for about 90% of the day. It was mild enough to remain nude outside for most of the evening too. So the forecasters got it very wrong yesterday.

Today started off fairly clear and bright, but as forecast its been overcast for the last 90 mins. Its still warm enough to be active outside while naked, we thought we might look for new places to hike nude but have decided to do that tomorrow as its supposed to be sunnier then. We've settled on a visit to a nudist spa for today. They have an outdoor area, just in case the forecasts are wrong, again!

Would a nudist weather site be any better than the textile ones?!

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RE:Weather forecasts

I have it much easier than you; the extreme southeast US is normally very nice but the weather forecasters have had trouble as of late with gauging the rain. They are currently having a contest to see which state (FL, GA, AL,...) can sign up the most local weather reporters (i.e. email in the weather to a central reporting station) to help with the gathering of forecast data. Maybe you should start your own group or contact the weather reporting service there. Good luck with your nude efforts. John.

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RE:Weather forecasts

Where we live, we do not have a weather station. We get our weather forecasts from a weather station an hour south of us, so the forecast is a guesstimate! We've found that if the forecast is for warm temps, our temps are actually 5-7 degrees warmer than predicted. If the forecast is for cooler temps, we are probably going to be cooler by that 5-7 degrees.

We found that many times, the forecast for the city where the weather station is located, will predict overcast, cooler temps for our nude beach area and warm, sunny temps here in our valley. When I check our nude beach's FB page, people will post pictures of a beautiful clear, sunny day with awesome temps and our valley is socked in with overcast. Quite frustrating really because we would have packed up and gone to the beach.

We had been warned and warned about the heavy rains that we were going to experience from week to week but the rains never came. Then, it was forecast that we get some light showers and the heavy rains they had predicted a few weeks earlier, came with a vengeance! We don't get lots of fluctuation with our weather in Southern California but our weather people seem to get it wrong more times than not.

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RE:Weather forecasts

Us Brits are always talking about the weather, even the textiles. That's because it varies so much. They say our summer consists of two sunny days and a thunder storm. Not quite true. But I head to Southern Europe where sun and warm temperatures can be relied on more.

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RE:Weather forecasts

Sensible Olly, but some of us still have to work, to pay the taxman, to keep the country's debt from getting even more out of control! So we're generally looking at weekend and occasional weekday outdoor nudism. You're reference to summer- a bit of sun and a thunderstorm, does the saying refer to winter at all? As apparently we only had 40% of the average rainfall over the winter down here.

Interesting feedback, thanks, so we're not the only place where weather forecasting is less accurate than the old idea of hanging some seaweed outside by the door, if its damp, its raining, if its dry and crispy, its hot and sunny! If someone really cracks predicting the weather accurately they're going to be coining it in.

Our all day cloud as forecast turned out to only last until lunchtime, we had more clear blue skies and sunshine for most of the afternoon.

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RE:Weather forecasts

Weather forecasting is the only profession where you can be wrong so many times in your career, and still keep your job.

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RE:Weather forecasts

It's tough in the Midwest as well, seems like the cold weather is lingering a bit longer this year

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RE:Weather forecasts

Weather forecasting is the only profession where you can be wrong so many times in your career, and still keep your job.

An early morning raking of my brain failed to come up with other professions where you can fail so often and stay employed, I hadn't thought of it like that. There probably are more similarities when it comes down to carrying on the next day as if they'd not made such a big hash of things, but forecasters have perfected the straight face!

"It's tough in the Midwest as well, seems like the cold weather is lingering a bit longer this year" - Its similar in the UK, we're getting lots of cloud so its cool most of the time, but there's little rainfall, we had 40% of the normal winter rains in SE England. When the sun does appear its fairly warm, teasing us as to what it could be like, perfect nudist weather

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