Full Frontal Men (Gay-Straight-Bi)

Exclusively for Full Frontal Nudists. 1630 active members who submitted 760 full frontal photos so far! (Single, Married, Divorced, Widower) who are not shy/afraid to be judged by other fellow men nudist and show themselves to the world. . It's time to be ourselves and meet/know likeminded guys. I have being running 2 successful groups here that have more than 2,000 members each. Check them...

A big thank you

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Thank you for accepting me into this group.
Ive really enjoyed looking at the photos this evening. Ive liked loads and put on some comments too. But there are just too many to comment on all of them so Im just saying thank you to you all for allowing me to see you nude and for all the wonderful environments that you enjoy being nude in.

The pleasure is all mine.

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