No Clothes Please

No Clothes Please, We're British This for all us Btits out there (Or anyone in the UK) who love getting their kit off. Nudity isnt indecent. Its a noble British tradition

Or, more precisely, not illegal. British Naturism (BN) has fought a long hard battle to get naturism accepted. It turns out we are a minority population with human rights (like Hindus). They Got amendments to legislation so that being naked in public and streaking are not sexual offences. Flashing is an offence, as is sexual behaviour and actions intended to cause alarm and distress. The Director of Public Prosecutions advised that it is not in the public interest to prosecute anyone for simply being nude some years ago and the few subsequent prosecutions have failed. Then the final breakthrough! They got the police advisory body to publish guidance not to arrest someone who is nude. Strictly speaking it does not matter that some bystander gets offended unless the nudist is deliberately trying to cause offence. The guidance is open to interpretation by the bobby on the beat. So the advice is to be somewhat sensitive to the feelings of those around you, covering up if asked to.

This was the situation only in England and Wales until the Scottish branch of BN got it accepted by the police there too.

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RE:And it's legal

Good so al country is safe to be nude not so sure how I start to say to neighbours what I am about since I am over looked and am known through church to them any ideas welcome how I go about it or perhaps I should not bother

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