Barefoot Wallk

Walk without shoes, barefoot at all situations, experiences

Best Method for Getting Thick Soles

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What's your best method for getting thick pads on the bottoms of your feet?

I've found heat seems to work best. When I was a kid, we played out on the blacktop roads and the heat seemed to really develop think callus pads. Now, I have very little opportunity to walk on blacktop -- I live on a gravel road and it really does not get very hot. Of course, when I go to the store, the parking lots are all blacktop, but that doesn't happen very often -- not often enough to build up callus pads.

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RE:Best Method for Getting Thick Soles

Never really tried, I just walk outside and nature takes its course. But Ive pretty much never worn shoes when I didnt have to , like work. Worse is the callous around mo heel from wearing shoes for work and not keeping them worn down during winter. Kinda just scrubb them off on the concrete at the pool :)

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RE:Best Method for Getting Thick Soles

I never tried to get think pads on the bottoms of my feet as a kid -- but I played on hot asphalt streets all the time. I'm actually barefoot more now, but no hot asphalt except when I go to the store.

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