Beach Nudists.

Tell the group what nude beach you go to, where the location is, how often do you go, and what you like and don't like about it. Or tell us whatever the hell is on your mind lol. I put this group together to find out what beaches around the world are fun to go to in case people are traveling and wondering what a particular beach is like.

Drones at the nude beach

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I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but has anyone had a drone flying over them while at the nude beach? How did or would you react?
This is happened to me twice both times this past summer at 2 different locations with 2 different reactions. First time I was at Blind Creek Beach in Port St Lucie, FL. It was a weekday and the weather was not all that great so it wasn't very crowded. A drone flew overhead and most of the people covered up. I did not and as the drone flew over me it stopped and hovered me for about 15 seconds then flew away. Someone asked me why I did not cover up and that the drone was taking pictures of me and I told him that It is perfectly legal for me to be nude there so I have no problem being photographed nude. I actually like it. At my age I take it as a compliment that people would want to take pics of me nude and also at my age I don't give a shit where they end up. The second time was at a beach on Lake Ontario about 60 miles north of Syracuse, NY. This beach is not an official nude beach, but people have been going nude there discretely for decades. I was chatting with a nude couple and a drone flew overhead. They quick put on bottoms (Topless is ok there) and said you better cover up. I said I don't care if pics of me nude are taken. They told me that there were rumors that the park rangers used drones to catch the nude sunbathers and ticket them when they left the beach. Don't they have anything better to do? At that point I did cover up.
To sum it up, I have no problem with being photographed nude, I actually enjoy it. But if I am at a place where it is not legal for me to be nude I will reluctantly cover up.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

I endured a motorised hang glider flying up and down the beach using updraught from the on shore wind to stay aloft. My fellow nudists were convinced he was filming us, so we all behaved ourselves. Eventually he went away.

The Torrey Pines glider port is located on the cliff above Blacks Beach near San Diego. The hang gliders are a very pleasant part of the landscape, but I suppose some of them are overly interested in all of us nudies on the beach. I have never been too concerned there but I would be annoyed by drones or hovering hang gliders.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

I would probably wave to the drone. Hehe
With all your fingers extended or just one?

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

The Torrey Pines glider port is located on the cliff above Blacks Beach near San Diego..

Whilst I and 50 other nudists were hiking naked in the Austrian Alps we reached a summit, only to be joined by a couple of hang Gliders. They had carried their gliders to the summit and set about assembling them. Then they launched themselves into the air. All this time they were surrounded by us nudists, all naked. It did not appear to affect them.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

I've been n Blacks Beach on any number of occasions when hang gliders have inadvertently landed on the beach. Their owners simply disassembled their gliders and packed them back up to the top of the bluffs, hardly taking note of the nude bodies all around them. They're as much a part of our landscape as we are of theirs--a perfect example of nudist recreation's acceptance by the local community.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

I know this is an old topic now, but I don't care for drones ANYWHERE, let alone when I'm on the nude beach. I have been to plenty of regular beaches and natural areas only to have the peace disturbed by someone's buzzing toy.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

My wife and I were on a textile beach in central NJ. This past summer and on three occasions we spotted drones flying over the sunbathers, it is a nuisance no matter nude or clothed.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

Was at Fort De Soto beach a few weeks ago and was talking to one of the regulars. He said he once saw a park ranger use a drone to catch people sunning nude.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

A few weeks ago someone was flying a drone over Haulover beach. It would stop for a few seconds over people like me that don't cover up. I wish I could meet one of the pilots of these drones. I would love to have an overhead view of me sunning nude on the beach for my profile here.

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RE:Drones at the nude beach

I had one fly over me while sunning naked by my pool. I watched it go down and had a discussion with the owner and what a12ga shotgun would do to his drone if I ever saw it again. No more drone, but I'm sure he has my naked picture. There were two ladies that came out of their backyard also who I assumed had been sunbathing.

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