Beautiful And Natural Bodies (body)

This group is for all friends and other members....Be proud of your body.....Please insert photos from your body...

How do you take care of your body ?

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Gymnastic, good health, good food, good spirit ?

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I workout at a gym every-other-day as well as eating right and taking vitamins.

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I do nothing apart from eating sensibly and doing a day's voluntary manual work each week. But I think I'm not bad for a 70 year-old.

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I was a jogger and weight lifter. Spend a minimum of 2 hours a day working out. After 32 years of firefighting ... the career took it's toll on my body and I've sustained many injuries and surgeries. Not complaining or making excuses ... just the way it is. SO ... I fell way off the exercise wagon, ended up a diabetic, overweight, tired all the time, low energy ...
I found a doctor ... a female doctor ... a real doctor who gave a damn about her patients. She's had me taking supplements for 6 months and has almost reversed my Type 2 diabetes. I have energy, I've lost weight, I don't ache as much and am taking much less pain medication as I was 6 months ago. My last labs results ... knocked her beautiful self right off her chair. My wife refers to our doctor as Dr. Malibu Barbie! I try like hell not to stare! hehehe :D
She's not afraid to write a prescription but tries other methods first and she's turned my internal machine into a much finer tuned engine. I've got the energy and stamina to walk for an hour each day. My wife has me doing naked yoga with her ... that's lots of fun. Good workout and awesome view! LOL She gets on me to pay attention to the TV and yoga instructor!
We are eating better. Exercise more and get out and about more often. I'm glad to have the doctor we do and a wife that pushes me to get better so I can feel better and look better!

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I try to eat right and of sensible portions. Run, nightly workout for an hour (either yoga or weight / resistance). Pretty much, just keep active. I also heat with wood, and cut and split 12+ cords a year. Go-devil and splitting axe for splitting.

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I don't smoke. I exercise daily but not excessively - mostly swimming. All my home-cooked meals are prepared from scratch with only fresh ingredients. I enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner - supposed to be good for the heart and blood circulation. And for my mental health I try not to worry about too many things unnecessarily ...

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

Eat Healthy most of the time-----do not smoke-----lots of yard work & sports-----swimming------walking! Avoid too much SUN---ENJOY LIFE!

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

It started by quitting smoking 25 years ago and marrying my wife whom is a vegetarian. She helped change my diet (mostly, steal a burger every now and then). Since I was a carpenter and avid surfer for many years i was in pretty good shape physically. After changing careers and mainly working from a desk and just getting older I have slowed down an bit but still surf when I can and do yoga (sometimes nude at home) but mostly at the Y.
About a year ago I crewed up my knee snowboarding on New Year's Eve (nice way to start the new year) so was pretty much chair-ridden for a good 6 months. I kept up my 12 ounce curls (actually 2-6oz since I drink wine) and the snacks along with it and the lack of movement added 10 pounds. This past summer we went on a really nice 10 day cruise to the Mediterranean with everything all inclusive and added 10 more. (picture was taken in Slovenia and man do I look fat)
Now that I'm able to I've gotten back into swimming (great for the knee) and surfing. Just started back up with the gym membership and being able to do yoga. Lost the 10 cruise pounds and working on the other 10 or more.
We are going back on another cruise to Northern Europe this summer and want some wiggle room. :-)

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I like that.. Lots of walking and cycling

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

lots n lots of sex ......low carbs diets n drinks lots of water.....:

LOL ... I'm with you there. I also drink lots of water and enjoy lots of sex as much as possible. As a couple or solo. Whatever works.
Plus, I quit smoking 30 years ago.

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RE: How do you take care of your body ?

I'm with you too ! Thanks all for your replies.

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