Circumcised Naturists

This group is for all people who are circumcised or those (male or female) who like the way it looks and feels! You can chat, share experience or get in touch with others here who feel the same way.

aesthetic circumcision

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Hey guys i would like to get cicumcised just for aesthetics reasons. dont like my foreskin any more. i went to the doctor and he said its possible. what do you think about?

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

Many Aussies got to Singapore where it is cheaper to have a circumcision done. but there are good adult circumcision clinics in the Sydney area and including the Gold Coast. Let me know if u need more info

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

I was circumcised when I 4 so I can't compare between the feeling of being uncut and cut, being circumcised as an adult when you can make the choice is a very personal decision as it's different for ever guy as to how they like their to penis to look, maybe if there foreskin is tight etc.
I'd say don't rush into it and do plenty of research.
I have friends who have been pleased they decided to get cut as adults but I've heard guys who regretted it.
if you were to go ahead with it take time to find a surgeon with a good reputation and discuss the types of circumcisions tight/loose low/high cuts to be sure it's right for you.

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

Hi Benny

I made the decision to be circumcised about 10 and it was purely for aesthetic reasons, I much preferred the look and had wanted to get it done for some time. Not regretted it for a moment. The process was pretty straight forward the down side being that you can't have sex for about 8 weeks after. The process was simple, under local anaesthetic and I returned to work straight away. What I would recommend is that you do the research and get a good clinic/surgeon, circumcision is less common in the UK than in the States so I would have thought you would have good options. If like me it is something you really want then I would suggest you get it done, as I said I have not regretted it. DM me if you want to chat further.


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RE:aesthetic circumcision

i did it 5 years ago and never regret it since (well, only after the healing process ended). it was for aesthetic reasons but also because my foreskin was a bit short and sometimes had painful intercourse sometimes. anyhow, now i don't remember how it felt with the foreskin and enjoy the sex. if you had set your mind to do it, do it. just make sure you have a good doctor. there are some blogs online which show you how the procedure and heeling looks like if you need more details.

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

I have 4 close friends who were circumcised as adults. 3 were due to issues with the foreskin and 1 was purely aesthetic. All are very happy and prefer how they are now to before.
Like you I often thought about it and reading stuff online the vast majority of those warning against it have been cut just after birth and feel they are missing something. I personally feel my foreskin gets in the way sometimes and would prefer to not have it. Those that have been cut later that are not so happy it is usually to do with the style of cut they have so make sure you do research the surgeon and make sure you know what the end result will be.
I suppose if you're sure it's what you want and are prepared to have the surgery then why put it off? Just do the research to make sure you get the look you want. Good luck!

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

anyway im kind of obsessed with this issue. some cut men told me its better. letting the pee hole free and its better for urinate and more hygienic. when have you been cut

I think that's the clue - 'kind of obsessed'! So was I, and I knew I'd not be happy until I got it done. I'd always preferred the look of the circumcised penis, and (unusually for the UK) most sexual partners have been circumcised. So, after chatting with a number of guys online and in real life who had been circumcised for cosmetic reasons, I had myself circumcised almost 6 years ago. I have no regrets about it - well, just that I wish I'd done it years before!

You may find this useful - I downloaded it many years ago. There is more to it, dealing with the actual operation and outcome, but this may answer your questions.

Here is a conceptual model of the different decision stages when considering to be circumcised.

The prompting factors could be:
Cosmetic - Embarrassed by appearance
Medical Reasons- Phimosis- Circumcision is unavoidable- purely a matter of style and functionality.
Religious Considerations
Peer pressure- An unverbalised emotional desire to conform to group norms
Cultural factors Symbolically displaying kinship in society- similar to scarring and tatooing.
A requirement by a lover.
A critical incident imprinted on the person as a child, -seeing a younger brother being circumcised.

This stage is very much a personal and a private pre-decision stage where information is actively gathered.
Informal information gathering takes place.
1.Should I or should I not have it done?
2.Comparing yourself with others.
Seriously considering the perceived perception of:
1.Pain and suffering.
2.Agreeing to the seemingly inconceivable act of someone cutting your penis.

A critical stage is reached when the person emotionally and rationally has to make a decision:
NO - Maybe it is just an erotic fantasy.
For the moment rejected. Rationally rejected but the issue is not emotionally resolved and will therefore re-surface.
Permanently disregarded. Complete rational and emotional acceptance of being uncircumcised.
YES - The conflict is resolved. The person now needs to define how to implement the decision ?

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

You have lots of opinions here which is great, it does come down to your choice but if you go for it you must be aware of the risks and be prepared to live with the outcomes. All i can say speaking as someone who had a tight foreskin circumcised age 15 that if you are lucky enough to have a working natural foreskin you should treasure it! I have come to accept my circumcised state and love my body etc but if someone offered me a working foreskin I'd bite thier hand off. Everyone is different but I lost a lot of sensitivity when I was cut and whilst I was more comfortable afterwards my glans has lost a lot of sensitivity over time. You need to be prepared for that possibility and also that you may well need lube to masturbate (as I do).

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

G'day Berny If you proceed, I suggest you ask for a loose circ. Have you been advised on what amount of foreskin you should have removed?

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

Ask for a high-loose circumcision and that the frenulum is left intact.

This type of circumcision leaves the skin on the shaft a bit rumbly while flaccid, still have some freedom of movement while erect, and does not include a band of discolored skin.

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RE:aesthetic circumcision

Well speaking as someone who got cut for aesthetic reasons, and piercing reasons, go for it. I didn't loose a noticeable amount of sensitivity. It's cleaner, prettier and bad ass. And healing is breeze.

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