Clothed Male, Nude Male

Share your CMNM experiences. Some are accidental, some are intentional, and some are innocent. Some are due to shared living circumstances or due to a nudist being comfortable in front of others. Some include embarrassment to the clothed guy, the naked guy, or both, while others may be comfortable situations for both the nude and clothed. Some may be one-on-one encounters or those with multiple...

My first cmnm experience

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I had a gay friend 18 and hurricane harvey destroyed the town, everyone that survived and stayed grew a bit closer, he eventually heard about my breakup with my girlfriend and he comforted me, he finds out I'm a nudist and that I had a homosexual encounter before, later after a week I offer him a ride to my place and we chat about how I'm living and how opened I am with my body, once we are inside I take off my clothes and he stays fully dressed and looks at me, he said I was gorgeous and that he would definitely love to please me, I'm not gay but he is someone I trust and a friend, I let him worship my body until I'm satisfied and he never took off his clothes, he was completely content with just pleasing me and nothing else.

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RE:My first cmnm experience

Thats a great friend to have.
I have some of the same kinds of male friends. I miss them so much since I moved away to the new town.

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RE:My first cmnm experience

I would have to say when I was put in a full nelson and had my basketball shorts pulled down and later my boxers pulled down in front my friends camping. That was the day I received the nickname Floppy Donkey. I hated that name.

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RE:My first cmnm experience

Hmmm naked wrestling !
Dream come true. Having someone else to take my clothes off. Okay I know its not the same but. I can dream ! Lol

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RE:My first cmnm experience

we are a big family.. typical joint business family. Dad, Mum, Dads elder brother [Uncle], his wife [Aunt], my both grand parents, 2 cousin sisters [both elder and married], and 1 younger sister + me [turned 21 as of Mar 23].

My grand dad [Dadu] has a family home in south Mauritius and he would insist all of us to accompany him on 3rd Day of Diwali Festival there at least for 2 days. We still have some farms and farmhouse there.

I remember every time we have been there i have had no privacy whatsoever either bunked with Mom and Dad or 3 sisters.
The farmhouse didnt have all modern facilities and whatever was there was offered to women and gals e.g. toilet, bathroom etc. Dad and Uncle would take me to backyard with them - there was a huge pond. They would keep their boxers on but would always insist me to be naked. They would be like you are just a small boy come on..and just like that i am stripped in backyard in front of mum, aunt, granny, sisters, caretaker of the farm house and his family. On top of that grand dad was like boys should never be ashamed. Nobody cares here, i will show you around.

And he would take me to farms later in the afternoon. All the farms would have water canals where children mostly teen boys from village would be swimming and off course without swimsuit. I was surprised to see that because some of them have had heavy pubes, sometimes few of them would be sporting huge boners. And my Dad, uncle would tell me see .. boys are not shy.

One fine afternoon when we were taking troll in the farm grandpa insisted me to take a dip in canal with those boys and have fun. I refused because i didnt have any swimsuit or extra shorts on me. I was stubborn but he was not one less and just pushed me into the water. Now i was completely drenched and pissed off which made him and my uncle laugh out loud. [Dad didn't accompany us to farm]. After few minutes i was relaxed, enjoyed the cold water, and then Uncle helped me to get out.

As soon as I got out Granddad asked me to strip off naked because wet clothes on body for very long time is not healthy. Uncle seconded him and there again, 18 years old son with hint of pubes, semi hard-on naked in day light in the farm in presence of Uncle, Grand Dad, and few farmers [all men] and their teenage boys. Boys were teasing me for smooth body except little pubes and semi boner.
Uncle said dont be shy. be proud. you are a man. let it hang just like your father and I would do in the farms when young.
we then walked home & off course i was still naked. Once home, they all saw the wet clothes on uncles shoulder and me naked. they all had hearty laugh. eventually i got used to it and stay casually naked whenever required ...

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