Clothes Free Kitchen And Naked Wine

This group is for naturist cook/chef to talk about clothes free cooking experiences and share recipes wine pairing and wines they enjoy to cook with and drink

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Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can get connected in our common interest Of cooking.
I am Earl recently restarted this group as it was dormant and the original creator hadnt been on the site for a while. I consider myself a naturist not just a nudist because I dont just like to get naked and take photos but enjoy being clothes free in nature and livIng clothes free as much as possible. Been on the site for several years read more about that in my profile. I enjoy cooking and baking though I dont do much of the latter right now. Use recipes from other when I cook sometimes but always make it my own. I like to experiment and try new foods though being plant based means I need to work a little harder at it. I have an instapot but dont know how to use it yet. Laugh Plan on getting an air fryer soon and then watch out foodies I am on a mission. I like spicy foods from all cultures and cook with lots of spices and flavors.
Now its your turn

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

Hey everyone,

I am most passionate about the techniques of cooking! I'm a firm believer that if you master the techniques you can cook alot of different dishes. I'm most passionate about French cooking, Italian (pastas from scratch), and comfort food.

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

I certainly can't say I'm a chef, but love to whip up a new dish here and there. I like to cook more for others than myself. Favorite cuisine is TexMex or comfort food dishes from my childhood.

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

I am nudist since 50 years and cooking since 25 years, yes cooking naked more often now. I like especially french bistro cuisine. I like also the italian and asian kitchen.

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

I like especially french bistro cuisine. I like also the italian and asian kitchen.

What are some dishes that you would categorize as French bistro

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It's simple kitchen not haute cuisine. Examples are omelette, salad nicoise but also Coq au vin.

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

Gotcha thanks for sharing

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

Food is a passion... and whether it is a simple afterwork meal or a full on dinner party, fresh ingredients are a must. I don't understand fast food or ready meals, as for me it is just as simple to do something from scratch. My style is as varied as my travels... on an average day it is possible to find me cooking Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, Nepalese, Germany, French, etc as it is a traditional Irish fare. As an avid gardener, i love when I can eat my own fresh produce... and most recently have discovered the delights on putting together what used to be called Salade Compos... and now is the far more tasty Poke bowl...

I love exchanging ideas around food... and hearing about experiments in bread making... which I have to admit can be very hit and miss in my kitchen :)

So, if you're enjoying a naked outdoor meal... and would like to serve some traditional Irish bread... here is a simple foolproof recipe for Brown Soda Bread...

A warning... this is a very liquid mix so you will need a 1 lb loaf tin

450gm wholemeal strong flour
50gms bran/pin head oats/porridge oats (proportions to your taste)
.5 litre Buttermilk (you can also use whole milk with lemon juice added to sour it)
Salt to your own taste
Brown Sugar
100 gms salted butter
1 tsp Bread Soda
2 eggs
Mixed seeds

First of all take the flours and butter and rub them together until like fine breadcrumbs.
Mix in the salt, sugar, seeds and bread soda.
In a jug, combine the Buttermilk and Eggs and mix well.

and this is the secret of the bread... Add the liquid to the dry and mix well BUT... for less than three minutes. If you mix for any longer the bread will be tough... so quickly combine and it will turn out light and moist.

Put the mix into a well buttered loaf pan, and put into a pre-heated oven at 180c for 1 hour...

you will know when it is ready as the smell of the bread will spread through your kitchen...

Leave it to cool, and for storage, wrap it in a cloth...

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RE:Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can

Thanks for writing such a engaging introduction. Looking forward to your foods shares

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