Coffee For Nudist

A place to hang out with friends who also enjoy a good cup of coffee

Good coffee morning

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Diane and Dennis here from NE Indiana where a good cup of coffee on these chilly days helps to get our day started. We often have a mint cookie with our coffee.

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RE:Good coffee morning

Mary Anne and Don here in San Antonio. We have whole grain toast with butter and preserves with our first cup of coffee.

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RE:Good coffee morning

I love nude coffee mornings and try to do it daily. Often in the chat room so by all means give me a pm so we can share a cup together naturally. Always enjoy sharing our nude life stories with men and women.

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RE:Good coffee morning

Marie likes a lot of powdered chocolate in her coffee. I mean coffee in her chocolate. Lol

But yes, I dont start thinking till after my second cup ! Being retired now, I get to relax and enjoy my coffee. Ahh Dont have to hear the wining of the other employees. Lol government workers ! !

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RE:Good coffee morning

I'm also retired so I make sure to get the coffee ready while Diane gets ready for work. In the late afternoon I prepare two more cups for her return home. We have a favorite indoor/outdoor coffee shop we visit on her days off. Unfortunately we can't be naked while drinking coffee there.

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RE:Good coffee morning

Hey all! Im friends with a couple of yas! My morning routine is wake up late (when Im off, I work nights, so my sleep is all over the place) and drink a chocolate protein drink. I rarely drink coffee, but when I do, I like cream and substitute sugar. One day Id like to get on a dayshift, but my nightshift works for me right now. Have a great weekend everyone!

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RE:Good coffee morning

Hello Everyone! I'm also Retired and as soon as l send the Wife off to work about 7a.m., I go straight to my little spot in my backyard and ENJOY my NUDE Coffee as l catch up here on TN! The morning Sun and those easy Summer morning breezes feel wonderful! The temps are getting a little cooler here in DIXIE so l may have to make a coffee spot in my little hot house pretty soon. It takes 2 cups to start the engine but after four, I'm ready to go walk. Well wishes to you all and Happy THANKSGIVING!

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RE:Good coffee morning

Count me in! I will forgo the sweet sides, but the day doesn't even BEGIN for me until I've consumed my 1st cup of coffee and I always add a double shot of espresso. It takes quite a bit of caffeine to wake up my brain. As I'm preparing breakfast, I'll prepare a 2nd cup to go with my standard eggs and buttered rye toast. I always make a cup for my husband, Jim (River_Folks on TN) to sip on but he's the one that is almost always in the chat room --- I can't be bc I'm out in the kitchen cooking breakfast. And we usually don't even eat breakfast until close ot 11 am - sometimes as late as 1 pm if I have a lot of tasks to tackle in the morning. We should try to find a way to install cameras in all of our rooms so we can interact with our many friends here regardless of what we're doing. It would be like throwing a big nudist house party where friends can come and go as they please. -- Karen aka NakedReader

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RE:Good coffee morning

Count me in for my naked cup of coffee in the morning and for a couple of hours.

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RE:Good coffee morning

AustinJohn here in Austin TX and also enjoy starting the day with at least 3-4 cups of straight up coffee to get going for the day while nude. Sometimes gets me going for the day as well if you know what I mean. So happy nude morning to ya - tip my coffee to ya.

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RE:Good coffee morning

Hey, gang! Let's all gather 'round the coffee pot and share some nude coffee-sipping company!

I'm a 4 cup-a-day coffee drinker. From the time I get up (around 5 a.m.) until mid-morning, the kettle is on a constant boil. I drink an Italian Expresso Blend of Arabica coffee, High Octane and straight up! Jack Reacher and I BOTH appreciate a GOOD cuppa!

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